post your chicken coop pictures here! me, @TJordan roost bar/poop tray is picture perfect. And yes, I am using a 2x4 laying flat, even had my BIL soften the edges by routing slightly and sanding them! Roost bar is removable for cleaning/replacing, sits approx. 14" above the poop tray which is lined in Sweet that stuff! I have a custom-built ladder going up to the tray, slats are no more than 6-8" apart...(my camera is on the fritz or I'd post a pic) but here's the pic that I fashioned mine from:

Please note that I did NOT do what they did with the roosting bar itself. They used what looks like a 2x3 (or 2x2), but mine is a 2 x 4 laying flat. I was really pleased that I, a 70-year-old single gal was able to reproduce that setup and built it myself (pats herself on the back
). What I did was to extend the four corner posts up to roost-bar-height and put a cross piece on each end, then hung one of those metal hanger thingies on each end so I could just slip the 2x4 in it....pretty dang proud of myself!
I would pat your back and hug your neck for getting it done... I've got to get out and dig at least one post hole and set the post....
.that will be a stretch for me and I'm younger than you!
Sounds like they are just lazy... :he

Get up there yourself you crazy :cd lol

And I love the poop tray!!!! Talk about idea!!!! We are about to build a bigger coop because ours is tight for the birds we have... I think we might incorporate at least the removable roost bar... Granted they only hang out in the coop at night because they semi-free range in a LARGE fenced in back yard but it's still a great tip for cleaning
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I bought my 1/2" hardware cloth online at My setup is much larger than yours...I got a 100 foot roll, 3' wide, for around $85.00...FREE shipping! I checked out every source online there is, and no one can beat their price! And it got to me in 4 days! Please check them out...if I remember right they also have it in 50 foot rolls, too. Best of luck and keep us updated!!

Wow good price. I've looked everywhere on and the only 3' tall I could find is $56 for 50'. Can you get me more info or item #? Thanks
Well dang! There goes about 20 hours of work! I have 4 chickens. I am guessing they are about 2 months old right now. I am currently renting and didn't want to get carried away with making a big coop until I buy again. Thanks for the info. I'm going to have to take another look and see what I can do.

Don't worry, hon, it's all a learning process. We all have to make adjustments. Beef it up to safeguard and enlarge later. Work with what you have and go from there.
Anyone else freak out the first dozen times you see your birds laying on their backs dust bathing?

My kid started crying because he thought she was dead lol...

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