post your chicken coop pictures here!

We have finally finished the coop and run. There is a covered run and an open air run behind, which you can't really see in the photos. There is a pop door that leads from the enclosed run to the back run, large enough for the chickens to get through. The people door was just a pre-made door that we picked up at Home Depot. It was too tall so we just cut it down to fit the opening. We placed a solar panel on top of the coop which provides light at night inside the coop and we installed a misting unit in the run as It gets really hot here in the summer months. There are three nest boxes and two storage areas for small items. This chicken house currently houses 6 chickens but

is large enough to accommodate at least 10.
Lovely coop. Pleasing color. A paver stone walkway around the entrance toward the egg collection box will be nice footing for slushy rainy days. Having light is nice around the outside coop - it has helped us in deterring night life like rodents and coons and even from stray cats plus we don't leave any feed out overnight.

You're wise to stay with 6 hens instead of 10. The coop might hold 10 chickens but they need much more room in the outdoor pens. Our coop is only 4x6 but our girls are free range in a back yard from dawn to dusk so that's all the coop space they need.

You have a nice setup. Our climate requires misting in heatwaves and we invested in a portable Orbit Mister that can move around the yard. However our girls prefer hanging out under the popup canopy in the yard so we set up the Mister under it. They hang out in that shade nearly all day especially if the water is on. In the cooler winter months they'll snooze in one of the old recycled doghouses in the yard. What's nice is in spite of a lot of hiding/shelter areas in the yard they will still return to the coop to lay their eggs.
Hurray - saw Raccoon road-kill on the street yesterday. It was a couple blocks away but at least that's 6 less possible 'coon kits this coming year! I hate to see any animal suffer EXCEPT for 'coons that are probably the meanest and most destructive city/country dwellers besides rats. Too many of them to make me feel sorry for any of them!
Hurray - saw Raccoon road-kill on the street yesterday.  It was a couple blocks away but at least that's 6 less possible 'coon kits this coming year!  I hate to see any animal suffer EXCEPT for 'coons that are probably the meanest and most destructive city/country dwellers besides rats.  Too many of them to make me feel sorry for any of them!

I think I would prefer a coon vs what my husband almost hit last night!!! I'm in no means the country... But a bloody coyote dashed across the road... And the week before that a red fox was standing, proud as you please right down the street!!!!! We see coons, skunks and armadillos every day on the roads... Even seen a few deer near here.... But never a coyote. That was unnerving....
Screened in car port with auto chicken door.

Screened in car port with auto chicken door.

I've always wanted to buy a barn like that on a piece of land and fix it so that I would be able to live in it and still keep my animals like you have your the same structure...
I would want my living area to be on the other side and the a little of the upstairs.
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I would love a chunk of land with a barn or old shead to build my coop... A little house, space to let the kids run free.... :hit who wants to give me 50 acres ?

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