post your chicken coop pictures here!

I would love a chunk of land with a barn or old shead to build my coop... A little house, space to let the kids run free....
who wants to give me 50 acres ?
And enough $$ to do it all in style!!
Just got off phone with hubby. I told him the garden hose that runs from the house to the coop keeps getting run over by our truck (ds too lazy to roll it up) and is causing damage inside the basement pipes.
Him: I'm going to run a water line to the barn anyway when I get back so might as well water up the coop too.
Me: Electricity and water in coop? Really?
Him: Yep.
Happy dance!
Finally got it close to finished.... Nothing is ever finished at my place.... Total about 270 sq. ft. for 7 hens and 1 roo... about 33 sq. ft. per bird... For the complete build file, click on "MY COOP" in my profile.... All of the ideas for the build came from folks build ideas and pictures on this forum.... Thanks to everyone and their ideas.....

Quote: I just love it! But one question: Is that window in the door the only window...I see a small ventilation cap and assume there's one on the other end, but just the one window?
Hurray - saw Raccoon road-kill on the street yesterday. It was a couple blocks away but at least that's 6 less possible 'coon kits this coming year! I hate to see any animal suffer EXCEPT for 'coons that are probably the meanest and most destructive city/country dwellers besides rats. Too many of them to make me feel sorry for any of them!

I think I would prefer a coon vs what my husband almost hit last night!!! I'm in no means the country... But a bloody coyote dashed across the road... And the week before that a red fox was standing, proud as you please right down the street!!!!! We see coons, skunks and armadillos every day on the roads... Even seen a few deer near here.... But never a coyote. That was unnerving....

Most predators can be securely kept off premises using the properly constructed barriers i.e. hardwire buried in the ground, electric fencing, double gates, secure locks, sturdy built coops, etc. which will keep out coyotes, foxes, skunks, stray dogs, etc. However, Raccoons and Rats have a way of by-passing any kind of security measures you erect. Tenacious, aggressive, destructive, is the only way to describe these crafty predators so when I see them as road-kill it's a relief.

Talk about unnerving - Decades ago I drove a rental Buick on vacation - we were descending a very winding backwoods coastal road slowly in a heavy fog not being able to see more than 10 feet in the haze. Out of the fog a huge buck with great antlers ran full speed into the headlights and dented the grill badly so that the car limped back to our resort parking lot. There was blood and puncture marks on the car from the antlers. I called the Highway Patrol and my insurance and the rental insurance to see what liability there was and concerned there was an injured wild animal possibly dying somewhere on the road. None of these agencies were concerned because wild animals were not considered property and therefore no liability. The rental agency sent out a new rental car the following day and towed the Buick away. I have no idea if this gives us license to kill wildlife on the roads but it was the strangest experience I ever had with an automobile. I've heard the expression like "deer frozen in the headlights" but our buck deliberately charged straight for us! Ever since then I continued to rent heavier sturdy cars like the Buick for our vacations and always add the rental insurance.

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