post your chicken coop pictures here!

Just finished our new coop! It's 4ft wide x 3ft deep, and a substantial upgrade from the retrofitted entertainment center we've used for the last three years. Roof and floor are insulated. Front window is operational and a vent is built into the roofline in the back. My husband and I had no prior construction skills and just "winged it." ; ) I'm grateful for all the great design ideas I found on this site!

Love the storage shelf idea!

Also, the windows and coop give the house an adorable cartoon face effect, LOL!
Clearly it needs more beer trees.  ;)
lol. I meant herb garden. But I'd love a beer garden! Corona or yuengling perhaps?
I was wondering if I have this big area for my chickens will it still turn into a dirt pit from them?
Because of the shape of their feet/toes, chickens will scratch grass up into dirt no matter where you put them. The only time we have some greenery in their free range area is after some heavy rain but usually everything is dug up year-round. Still, I haven't had to let the gardener into the backyard in several years!
I was wondering if I have this big area for my chickens will it still turn into a dirt pit from them?

I think I count 7 chickens. Since chickens (at least mine) have pretty much 2 things on their minds:
1) resting
2) looking for food

I would guess that over time they will remove all the grass in those endeavors. They might make "day nests" when the weather is hot, like dogs getting down to the cooler earth, and they will scratch looking for bugs and other "tasty" things. But if you can let them out to range, they will find those things elsewhere.

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