post your chicken coop pictures here!


This is our coop we made out of a TV cabinet. We made it for our chicks once they were to big to be in the house but too small to be with the rest of the flock.
They are now with the flock so we are going to use this as our Sugar Shack in the spring for a little romance. Hopefully we will have some new little ones.

I love the colors.... awesome I used to paint my parakeet nest boxes and perches with bright colors Surpirsing it also made the surfaces easier to clean.

There are different sects.... some are totally non engine and electricity.... but many allow for hitching a ride or using someones phone.... Using air powered tools is fine but owning the compressor is not....

Ihave an Amish made piece of equipment called a forecart. The workmanship is awesome... So they weld too and I suspect they use cutoff saws as well, and definately in a factory with tooling. So my guess is Pioneer is an English owned factory and they hire Amish worker bees.



These carts are used as the front end for powered equipment.... You can use them for pulling all sorts of ground powered equipment... and the Amish use them as well. From Hay balers to gang plows and planters..... I have seen as many as six horses abrest hitched....

Here are Amish setting pepper plants

man in front driving and two women in back planting The forecart is part of this setup.

There are different types of Amish and also different rules are applied by each sech. All allow certain machinery for the support of their families. Such as a generator for those who have a dairy farming... The more basic they are, the more strict they are.. Most do allow for a hired driver. The most progressive allow for having their own vehicle.
OK, so gas welding? I've not ever welded but I thought there were some welding methods that used gas. Maybe not
They are allowed to use gas,,,. propane or regular gas... you would be surprised to how strictly they follow their rules...exceptions or "near exceptions" must get a special permission from the religious leaders of their church. Many do not have phones in their own homes but do have phones in their businesses.. Of course, their may be more than one employed there and it also may be used for emergencies.
it doesnt take much to kill mosquito larva... a little light oil on the water will do it.

Here they use herbicides along the roads to knock back the weeds.... I hate it.... But they do trim the trees here. Our "Weed trees" are of all things palm trees and California mountian Ash. the Palms will grow in huge thickets because the seeds all get blown into the same area. Ours are just Mexican fan palms.... they will grow just about anywhere they can get a foot hold and a crack to keep the seed from blowing away. And Moutnain Ash will invade a yard completely even crack up foundations if you let em get a toe in. They spread by runners and if you cut back a root or runner you will get five or ten trees..... The ONLY way to deal with them is dig em up and use Round up on the soil.... over and over and over again.

Yep One good fido shock charger will condition your dog to stay clear.... I had a Boston who was an escape artist shed hit the fence running till she reached the top and could hook her front paws over... setting the electric just above where she would hit the fence It took only two zaps.... she was done messin with getting over.

Though from the picture of the yard you have children... if they are little its probably not a good idea....


I'm with Meep. Young kids learn a lot of "don't do" things. Some by listening, some by trial and error. How many "no touch" things are in a house? And since the pup IS a pup, I bet it won't take much of a hit for it to learn fast. Don't need a "will keep a cow off it" strength shock. Tie some colored ribbons on the insulators for the wire which will give a visual "no entry beyond this point" line for both the kids and the dog. One touch will get their attention, if necessary 2 will set the concept.

Thank you. I was a little hesitant to post pictures cause it's kind of awful compared to most that get posted on here.

You shouldn't be!!! If the only thing posted here were the super fancy or super cute coops, a WHOLE lot of people would never get chickens thinking they HAD to have one like that. They look great in the yard but the chickens don't give a rat's patootie what their digs look like as long as they have enough space, food, water nesting area and comfortable roosts.

Still, the strange Amish ways should not deter the English outsiders from acquiring some of the beautiful Amish-built products (provided you can verify they were truly Amish-made). Many products have been commercially scammed as "Amish" but have never been produced by the Amish which really ticks them off.

Understandably so!!!! And how much money would it take to hire enough lawyers to shut them all down?? I just "love" the ads for "Amish heaters". Yeah - a basic electric resistance heater in a wood case. I'll pass.

nope real amish..I think they speak dutch...most don't use electricity however they have solar power and wind power on some of there homes...they run most of their stuff on steam....they use the horses to do the crops and such....go to the food store with the carriage and horse....but most have some modern day toys

Isn't it kind of BIZARRE that they don't use electricity but have solar and wind power which IS electricity?????

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