post your chicken coop pictures here!


This is our coop we made out of a TV cabinet. We made it for our chicks once they were to big to be in the house but too small to be with the rest of the flock.
They are now with the flock so we are going to use this as our Sugar Shack in the spring for a little romance. Hopefully we will have some new little ones.
yepper and then when I got the wood from him he paid a second guy to use his trailer to bring the wood....all the time you see the amish being transported in brand new vehicles...when they go to PA they just pay someone to drive them and then they go pick up their new wife/husband for the new addition to the family...most have motorized all the one that do the lumber and wood the guy I bought my wood from he has a machine that crabs the piece and belt that moves the piece and a four way splitter to cut the piece and a conveyer that send the wood up to the trailer for his son to load...and then they pay someone to go and drive yeah no old ways there..thats for sure..

Well, the truly "faithful" do MACHINES, just not internal combustion engine driven machines. Water powered is fine, I think the Shakers were the same. Went to a really impressive water powered workshop in the Hancock Shaker village in MA with my mother probably 15 years ago. Open the valve on the big pipe and all the big machines can do their thing. Of course you have to have a source of water up a hill or some way to windmill pump it to a similar source.

The hard core Amish will not personally use electricity or engines. However, some factions do acquiesse to using modern machinery, etc. The Menonites dress similarly to Amish but they are more up-to-date with electricity and appliances and driving engine powered machines.

Just like most Old World traditions there are the very die-hard old-fashioned turn-of-the-century lifestyles to other groups adopting sporadic modernization by "hiring" others to do the work -- money is the driving incentive for adopting creative ways to utilize modernization. The Amish and Menonites are inward and traditions/beliefs die when not evangelistic. Their creative compromises to use modern devices/technology make them appear hypocritical though they don't see it that way. The English (as outsiders are called) terrify the Amish and Menonite elders which causes them to be rather harsh in their self-imposed doctrines on the rest of their community so the members get creative adapting to the changing world around them.

Still, the strange Amish ways should not deter the English outsiders from acquiring some of the beautiful Amish-built products (provided you can verify they were truly Amish-made). Many products have been commercially scammed as "Amish" but have never been produced by the Amish which really ticks them off.
nope real amish..I think they speak dutch...most don't use electricity however they have solar power and wind power on some of there homes...they run most of their stuff on steam....they use the horses to do the crops and such....go to the food store with the carriage and horse....but most have some modern day toys

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