post your chicken coop pictures here!

I think I count 7 chickens. Since chickens (at least mine) have pretty much 2 things on their minds:
1) resting
2) looking for food

I would guess that over time they will remove all the grass in those endeavors. They might make "day nests" when the weather is hot, like dogs getting down to the cooler earth, and they will scratch looking for bugs and other "tasty" things. But if you can let them out to range, they will find those things elsewhere.

Here is my coop we built under our kids play house
With the space you have, could you do like we do with livestock and limited acerage...fence off part of it while they take advantage of the first part....then switch while the first part recovers. Some chicken owners do this with a 2x4s with a hardware wire across the top. That way there is a constant amount of sprigs coming up thru the holes in the wire. Keeps the ladies from completely destroying the grass/ground.
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With the space you have, could you do like we do with livestock and limited acerage...fence off part of it while they take advantage of the first part....then switch while the first part recovers. Some chicken owners do this with a 2x4s with a hardware wire across the top. That way there is a constant amount of sprigs coming up thru the holes in the wire. Keeps the ladies from completely destroying the grass/ground.

Good idea. I was planning on suggesting something similar but had to go out and meet the septic guys (*) and just hit submit.

* turns out the "Orangeburg" pipe to the septic tank broke just outside the tank. It is basically a thick walled cardboard tube impregnated with liquified coal tar pitch. Hasn't been made in 40+ years. They put in a 6' piece of standard SDR35 PVC pipe and a rubber connector. It is really unfortunate that whoever replaced the septic tank between the time that pipe was put in and now didn't also replace the pipe. But I guess it wasn't a problem for THEM. I'll see when we dig it all up in the summer and replace it. Might be I find a number of repairs in the 30-40' run.

This is our isolation coop.



These are pics of the big coop.


This is our little brooder pen.

All are works in progress.
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So since building our coop and run last year and getting banged up fingers pounding nails the old
fashioned way, I bought hubs a nail gun for Christmas. He is not appreciative. What gives?
He says he will not have much use for it. I haven't broke the news to him yet of my plans for
expansion next spring. Sigh...
So since building our coop and run last year and getting banged up fingers pounding nails the old
fashioned way, I bought hubs a nail gun for Christmas. He is not appreciative. What gives?
He says he will not have much use for it. I haven't broke the news to him yet of my plans for
expansion next spring. Sigh...

Maybe it is like women who aren't appreciative when the hubs gives them an appliance for Christmas? "Look here is a gift that you can use to do WORK!" "um, thanks ... I think"

He'll find that use once you break the news! Are you going to tell him before or after the materials are delivered?
Jeeeeze... wish I had a wife that would buy me power (or pneumatic) tools!
My last wife thought my tools were primarily for yard sale bait.
She was VERY pleased at how much money "HER" yard sale made HER from selling MY power tools...

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