post your chicken coop pictures here!

Has anyone had any experience with the company that sells chicken runs called "chicken safe"? They seem to be sorta pre-fab and you have to put them together. Claims to be very safe from predators. Web site Any info appreciated.

I just looked em up price is good if they supply hardware cloth for the whole thing. But the only difference between it and a Canvas covered car port... construction wise... is it has a base rail of tubing...

You could take a canvas style carport frame and put a wood frame around the base and cover it with hardware cloth. Hack saw the legs shorter if you need to... Or swap the long legs for the short pipe used on the eves... Now the structure is wider and shorter....

deb "who has seriously considered this one as well"
Has anyone had any experience with the company that sells chicken runs called "chicken safe"? They seem to be sorta pre-fab and you have to put them together. Claims to be very safe from predators. Web site Any info appreciated.
I had looked at the site before. I stopped looking because they use 1" sq wire and I have weasels that could go through that. I built a hoop coop instead.
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I need some ideas on how to design my chicken coop so can you post your coop pictures? if you do I
to you!
Mine may not be as quaint or fancy as some, but I built it using mostly pallet remnants and privacy fence boards with my total cost being under $100. The attached site shows the step-by-step construction process.

Shown below is the recent 30' x 6' add-on run which was mandated after a year of my flock of 9 hens tearing up my St. Augustine lawn.


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