Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Our first!!!
4.5 month old buff orps... small, but very cool!!
Congratulations! What a perfect laying area. Is it on the North side of something? That's where I find ours when they aren't in the nest. Even in their coops, They lay on the North walls...

This is our first Egg! My daughter was so excited. One of my girls layed this one on 6/30/13 but I'm not sure who layed it...

My chickens have just started laying eggs...really early too. The Amber Links (or White Leghorns) we got on March 1st and by my math shouldn't start laying until right around August 1st. So far we have about 3 brown eggs and 3 White eggs so far...can't figure out who is laying what egg...

Here is my breakdown of Pullets(by age)

  • 4 Amber Links/White Legorns (I think) - We brought home on 3/1 (maybe 1 or 2 days old at that time).
  • 5 Red Pullets (not sure what specific breed) - be brought home on 3/8 (also 1 or 2 days old)
  • 1 Easter Egger - brought home on 3/8 too
  • 5 Plymouth Rock - 4/5 (I think)
Cute photo! Congratulations
Ours were really small too at first. Now they are getting bigger. We have six hens. Week one 4 eggs, week two 4 eggs, week three 20 eggs and still 2 days of counting to go
I found my second egg! This one is double the size of my first. I block off the nesting boxes with plastic panels at night because they sleep and poop in them. I remove them in the morning, when I let them out into the run, before I leave for work. I came home yesterday and realized I forgot to remove the plastic from the boxes that morning, but somehow I still found an egg in one.
I'm not sure how she did that, but I'm glad they know where to go!
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