Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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So excited
our lil white silkie Monster Feet laid her 1st egg today! So cute


GREAT looking egg! CONGRATS! how old is your silkie? i have 2 that im still waiting for eggs they are about 24 weeks this weekend... its like they are holding out on purpose lol!

Our first egg laid by, Dotty, a 21 week old Buff Orpington. She has been showing signs of laying for 2 weeks, but because her comb and wattles seemed rather large we were worried she might be a he! Thank goodness she laid an egg. She is the sweetest chicken we have and if she began crowing we would have to get rid of her.

Came home from baking 300 cupcakes with my mom and found one of our barred rocks in the best box. Actually I opened it to check for eggs and she got mad. Waited and waited. Kids came home, husband came home and we all waited... And then she sang us a beautiful egg song and revealed this!

One of the two Plymouth Rock laid her first (small) egg at 23 weeks old. The other Plymouth Rock laid her first egg two days later. Five days later, a Rhode Island Red joined them. We are still waiting for the first egg from the other Rhode Island Red and the two Ameraucana. All is good :)

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