Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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We had three blue, one green-blue, the last one is a pink-orange (kind of like peaches) color.
someone else is finally laying! my best bet is Janet, the Barred Rock, who's been checking out nest boxes and squatting for more than a week. Yay Janet! Here's her egg:

and here it is with two of Millie's (she's been laying 10 days now--cuckoo marans)

maybe one day the other six will figure it out . . .
Got our first egg this morning. It's smaller than it should be. Does this happen with the first egg sometimes?? I thought maybe she layed a small one this time, and next time it'll be bigger?
The chicks are 19 weeks old today. I was expecting the Barred Rocks to be my first layers of the group but found a little surprise in the egg box this afternoon.

The small egg is from the chick. It's next to an egg from one of my older hens for size comparison.

I was shocked to see that the Easter Egger was the first girl to lay. We'd not seen her squatting but had found her nosing around in the nesting box and heard her singing an egg song the other day. She has virtually no comb and what little she does have is very pale. Quite a pleasant surprise!
love it!
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