Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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This was my least favorite chicken (doesn't even pretend to love me) until she laid her first egg! This was Cream Legbar daddy and unknown chocolate layer mommy (at least I'm pretty sure it was out of a brown egg).

Next to Wheaten Ameraucana and Olive Egger eggs.

I just found this thread, so I'm a little late lol. We have 4 red sex-links that we bought at a local small animal auction, we don't know much about them. We figured out they were going through molt when we brought them home on May 24th and were told it could be awhile... if ever, for them to give us eggs due to the molt and stress of relocation. Well 8 days later on June 1st we got our first egg, then on the 2nd we got our next egg and it went on for a solid 7 days, 2 girls taking turns. Then yesterday a 3rd girl laid an egg, but neither of the original 2 gave us one. Odd thing, the egg was very tiny, brittle and had weird "stuff" in it. Actually it was kinda gross

Here are pics of the eggs in the order in which they were received

Egg #1 held by my 10 yr old, along with a store bought "large".

Here's egg #2 (on the left) next to egg #1.

This is the "inards" of the 3rd girl's egg... ewww.

Then we got a regular egg today and we think it was from our 2nd layer. So, counting the defective egg, we are getting an egg per day from our rescue girls! Hopefully they'll all be laying soon, if not we'll have to get a couple pullets to add to our flock since eggs are kinda the whole point for us lol!
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