Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I have 2 adult hens laying and 9 pullets currently. So I was pleasantly surprised to come home and find 4 eggs today. I think 2 of my red mix EE pullets started laying! My Australorps,SLW,and Columbian plymouth rocks should be soon I hope,they're a few weeks younger.
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Here is my girl's eggs for today. All of them are less than 6 months old and these are the first eggs from a few. The green egg came from my Easter eagger and is her first.
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Our first egg. from one of our EE's.It was tiny, but a beautiful blue/green color. Unfortunately, my kids were at their grandparents' so didn't get to witness this event.


Our first green egg! :D For comparison, the egg on the right is store bought, the one on the left is from our red sexlink and the middle is from one of our Easter Eggers.
There is nothing unusual at all about your situation - your birds are only just beginning to lay, so their systems are just figuring out how to produce an egg - this means that they may lay in starts and stops - also, not all the birds will begin to lay at the same time. Just as with humans, each bird will mature at her own pace - the expected beginning of lay is just an estimate/average and varies from breed to breed. Their first eggs will be small - they will get larger as they get further into their laying cycle. Leave their vents alone and don't chase them off the nests, soon enough you'll have more eggs than you know what to do with.
As an example, in our current flock of pullets we have 15 birds - GLW, SLW, EE, Light Brahma and BO. Our first egg was a BO that came 2-3 weeks ago -- since that time others have reached the point of lay and begun to lay, but we are still only at 11 of 15 actively laying. and we get anywhere from 7-11 eggs on any given day.
I have since gotten more each day, it seems. Yesterday, got 6 and got 5 today. One egg was misshapen, kind of flat and bubbly on one side. But they are cranking up well. I am known for my impatience. Thanks for the advice, Ol Grey Mare!
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