Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I know what you mean! Hubby now goes and buys the dark grapes because the girls like them better! He's spoiling them rotten!!! I'm concerned about Daisy, though. He was adding a gizmo inside the run to open and close the pop door automatically when he dropped a small bolt. Daisy scarfed it up and swallowed it before he could retrieve it! I hope she can poop it out again without a problem! Has anyone else had a problem like that?

My ladies laid two in the night!
It's finally happening... the rest of my flock is finally getting with the program!! Got 5 eggs today :) only 3 gals left to start laying... woot!


Congrats to everyone on their first eggs!!
Yay 3/4 today!! But the day isn't over. I found all 3 in the nest box which is strange because there was a light brown colored like my BA lays but so far she hasn't decided she likes the nest box. Maybe today she decided it's a good place or maybe my PBR decided to contribute... guess we will see at the end of the day if I get a 4th egg! Either way I will take 3 since I was just saying I've mostly just been getting 1. And if it's 3 then yay for my BA deciding to use the nest box!! :)
1 of my BRs is definitely squatting and the other RIR and two BRs more or less are.... all of them have large red combs & wattles and tons of red around the eyes, all exactly 19 weeks... EEEEE!!!!! How long do you think I have to wait now?
1 of my BRs is definitely squatting and the other RIR and two BRs more or less are.... all of them have large red combs & wattles and tons of red around the eyes, all exactly 19 weeks... EEEEE!!!!! How long do you think I have to wait now? 
my BR is almost 25 weeks and so far nothing, but good luck with yours!
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