Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Yahoooo! Our first egg! Big Red (RIR) laid it today in the back corner of the coop this afternoon. She has been making lots of noise the past few mornings and has been squatting down when we get close to her. Finally, an egg.
Yep! A nice egg for sure, and it's just the beginnin!!!
I don't have an EE, but my buff orpington, Buffy, has laid an egg every day except one since she started laying in July, even when the others didn't. She's so reliable!
I'm busting a gut here laughing!
I turned my laptop camera on just in time to see an orpington fluffy butt sticking out of the second nest box of two. I thought I was going to see the egg come out! Then she wobbled around, and here comes Fernie, my barred rock, out from behind her!
Fernie wasn't about to be outdone, so she stradled Buffy for a while!
She finally managed to wedge in behind Buffy again, and Buffy just about went out on the floor, but hung onto the edge of the nest box with her front claws. Then she got a better footing and back into the box! She manged to SQUEEEEEEEZE back behind Fernie again, and then they were side by side, Buffy facing forward and Fernie facing the back. Then I heard a "thud" and Buffy stood up and looked between her legs, like she always does when she's just dropped her egg. She sat there a bit with her beak open wide, panting, then left the nest. Then Fernie pushed Buffy's egg aside and turned around, and I heard a second "THUD" and I saw two eggs rolling around! Meanwhile, the other perfectly good nest box sat there empty! I think this was a matter of principle. Buffy was in that next box earlier, then Hubby went out and put peas and corn in their dish in the run. Buffy knew if she didn't get out there, the other three wouldn't leave her any goodies, so she abandoned the nest just long enough to get her share. Then Fernie ran into the coop and took her spot! LOL!!!! Buffy must've thought, "Oh no ya don't! That's MY spot today!"
Usually they'll each be on a separate nest at the same time since they're BFFs. I don't know how they even got in there both at once, let alone get down to business all crowded in there! Well, now I know the next boxes are large enough! LOL!!! I wonder what would happen if one were broody???

My Wyandotte started laying! She is 5 1/2 months old. Unfortunately she was on antibiotics last week so we can't eat her eggs for the next month.

This is our first egg ever!!!! It came from our pretty little buff orpington named Buff Hen. She is 25 weeks and 5 days we hatched her from some eggs a friend gave us. We have been waiting forever! It was in a pile of pine shavings under the nest boxes. Now I just have to teach her where she is supposed to lay the eggs.
Yahoooo! Our first egg! Big Red (RIR) laid it today in the back corner of the coop this afternoon. She has been making lots of noise the past few mornings and has been squatting down when we get close to her. Finally, an egg.
Congrats! I have a Big Red also, she is a he though! Our RIR rooster is lovely and is definitely a big red!
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