Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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@duluthralphie I have the same problem with my phone camera, colors just ain't the same as real life. But when I take video it turns out good!??
I think I'll have to break out the real camera also.

Way off topic, but my daughter in law a big photographer fan, with lots of fancy cameras told me, when I said I was going to get a different phone so I had a better camera, it is not the megapixels or memory that makes the pictures "off",

It has something to do with the length of the lens and the size of the opening of the aperture. ( I hope I got that word right, it was best choice spell check gave me). I thought by going to a nokia with more megapixels I would get better pictures , her reply was maybe, but probably not.

I never thought of videoing my eggs, I will try that and see if that helps. Youtube is going to think we are all nuts though if we start posting video of eggs just lying on a table or in a basket and posting them...LOL
Yesterday I purchased our first chickens from another forum member (4x Wyandotte pullets). It took us about an hour to get home and get the girls in their new home. Not more than 30 minutes later, we had this.

She must have been ready to lay for the day!
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Yesterday I purchased our first chickens from another forum member (4x Wyandotte pullets). It took us about an hour to get home and get the girls in their new home. Not more than 30 minutes later, we had this.

She must have been ready to lay for the day!

That is amazing, My chickens stop laying if anything disrupts them at all!
Pardon the dirty jeans in the picture. One of the girls decided she would make a great free range bird.

Some clever stalking and diving (hence the pants) was necessary on our part. All of the girls are happily in their coop now.
If Yakety Sax had been playing, it would have been 100% appropriate.
I used an IPhone and the color is not good, but this is a pink egg and the porcelain egg. should be more pink and whiter. again the color is off, I am going to find an old camera and take pictures one of these days to get better color. All the eggs pictures I have posted so far, I have more pictures of my eggs than my grandkids, weirdo that I am..
Can you name which breed layed which egg? I have 5 different breeds of laying hens, but since it's so cold out, I don't know which one is laying which egg. So, a little help in matching up colors to the hens would be great. I have a Welsumer, Columbian Wyandotte, Buff Orpington, Blue Cochin, and Bantam Rhode Island Red.
Can you name which breed layed which egg?

I have 5 different breeds of laying hens, but since it's so cold out, I don't know which one is laying which egg. So, a little help in matching up colors to the hens would be great.

I have a Welsumer, Columbian Wyandotte, Buff Orpington, Blue Cochin, and Bantam Rhode Island Red.

I have no idea, I am not even sure which breeds I have.

I just wanted chickens all these colored eggs are a huge bonus to me. When it gets warmer I plan to take a six pack of beer sit in the coop and see who lays which eggs.
I would not call it a paint booth mishap because I get that color egg about 5-6 times a week. Only one a day though.

I think the hatchery screwed up or the feed store I bought them through did and I got a bird I should not have gotten.

I ordered a package of dual purpose brown egg layers....

Dark Brahmas lay brown eggs, but one of mine lays a cream colored egg. Well, I call it cream, anyway. It's a pinkish cream. I highly suspect that each hen, and what she lays, is very individual.
That's what I was thinking Pnut... That there might be an average typical egg color which could be an identifying marker for a particilar breed... Like say the 'Marans' chocolate colored eggs, or the EE with a variety of colors, but perhaps any hen may also lay a non-typical colored egg.
I found two more eggs today only from a different hen. I think they came from the same one anyway. The bottom one was laid earlier today. The top one was laid two days ago but because the hen who laid it has been on oral antibiotics along with another one because of getting pecked I didn't find it until today. The bottom one was laid earlier today, the top one two days ago. I found it inside the dog carrier the two wounded hens slept in. The reason I think they came from the same hen is because the other hen is black and her sister lays olive green eggs. I may be wrong though. Unfortunately we can't eat these since the two are on tetracycline. Anyway, these are new eggs. With 5 hens all the same age I imagine we will be seeing more and more now.

First egg ever, from our Buff Brahma! This one was laid yesterday, and she laid a second one today. We know it's her and not our RIR or English Game Hen because the Buff was making a huge fuss just before both the eggs were laid. Here's hoping the others start laying soon!
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