Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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A first egg from one of our new 14 babies. Not sure who it's from yet, can't catch them in the act. This is from our second flock.
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The light egg on the right must be the first egg of my fastest-maturing Barred Rock, Roxanne, since it's not like my Golden Comets' eggs. Roooooxxxannnnnnne... she "don't got to put on the red light," but she's the 1st of my Barred Rocks to put on a red comb, red face, and wattles...hence the name, Roooooooxannnnnnnnnne...
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Got my first egg ever on July 4! Got another on the 5th, but haven't seen one since. What can I expect moving forward? At what point will it be more consistent?

So exciting!

It is really hard to predict when the egg laying will get more consistent - depends on the pullet, I guess. I had one Barred Rockk pullet that started laying at 20 weeks, and she laid 21 eggs without skipping a day! Then she started to take some breaks once in a while. I also had a few pullets that started laying very inconsistently, and in a month they became very consistent layers, 1 egg/day every day! I also had a pullet that started laying like a star, an d in 6 weeks she reduced to 3 eggs/week :( She looks happy and healthy, not sure what is wrong with her. It is summer time!
We got our first egg on the 4th of July too -- I have 6 pullets that are about 19 weeks. Plus three older hens (2 years old). When I went out to gather the eggs and check on the girls -- what a surprise I had when I found 4 eggs. 3 nice big one and 1 little tiny one.
Today (July 8 ) 2 others started laying. That 3 out of 6 laying now. Its just as exciting the second time around as the first time.

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