Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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This was laid by one of our two large hens (red rangers), Princess Laya. The other one is Hen Solo, but she hasn't laid yet. She was in the bushes (we didn't make the nesting boxes yet) and we hard a strange noise. It was quite small, but one of our good friends that hosts a chicken farm told us it will get bigger each time she lays. Our smallest chicken, Forrest is still growing, she is cross beak.

Let's hope the eggs get bigger!


Was suprized 2day to find two eggs! Didn't think they would start laying for another month.
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FINALLY got eggs from my two new RSL pullets today after 23 weeks!! Rosy was a good girl and layed in the egg box but Daisy decided the dogs kennel was a better spot. Will need to break that habit quick smart.
The white is a store bought egg and the brown is from my 21 week old white leghorn. Apparently she didn't get the memo that she is supposed to lay white eggs lol
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