Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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kaycountry1016... Thanks! I am enjoying the RIR emensely. I'm sure the eggs are not much different than the ones you get from yours. It's possibly just the light in the picture.

From one of our ex battery hens the day after we got her

Then a week later we got two more from the first two birds we had gotten three weeks prior

One was yolkless so it went to the pup but we're all enjoying eggs every day now whether it be one two or three!
What a pretty egg from a pretty chicken! Congratz!

Thanks! I love the designs on the sebrights...they r beautiful birds! I also have a porcelain booted bantam rooster that im hoping will mate with one of my sebrights in the spring...if i can get him off the duck long enuf to notice the hens! He's in love with my duck! Lol!
We just got our first egg(s) today! I didn't check yesterday because after 32 weeks I gave up on these freeloaders...but my crested cream legbar pulled through and started laying these pretty olive colored eggs. Not blue, but I love them.


My daughter Dima celebrating the first two eggs we had three weeks ago
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20 weeks exactly and my Silverlaced Wyandotte "Flo" laid her first egg today.
She laid it right where she roosts for the night so it was pretty nasty. I know a lot of people don't recommend rinsing the eggs off, but the poo was way too gross. Hopefully we can get them into their nesting boxes. Our other ladies should start laying any time too, this is the first egg from our entire flock
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