Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I have 2x 1 yr old girls that I bought from a local breeder 20 days ago. They are of laying age, so when I got them home, I set up a light and timer to make sure they got 14-15 hours of light a day. Never got anything. I know that sometimes due to stress/new environment, hens will sometimes stop laying for a while.
I also have a girl that is 7 months old.

Anyway, due to the bad windstorm that came through here, we lost power on Tuesday. The coop is fairly dark (bad lighting and no windows), so without an indoor light, there is close to no light. So, imagine my surprise, when I came out this morning to switch out the frozen water for fresh water, and found an egg in one of the nest boxes (3+ days without an indoor light at all).

Any guesses which of my girls did it? The 7 month old or one of the 1 yr olds?

We were also in that big wind storm on Tuesday - in fact we JUST got our power back after 5 long nights and almost 6 full days. UGH! We do have a generator, however. We've been getting 7 eggs from our 7 hens rather consistently. The only day we didn't was the day of the storm....I think the poor things were so freaked out that only 5 laid eggs.

We have had a red heat lamp on in their coop at night...I know it is not necessary and I have had that confirmed as their coop was 30 degrees this morning and I was greeted with 3 eggs. I made the decision that this type of light would be enough for them to have extra light in the evening and early morning while also providing them with some extra warmth. My theory is happy hens happily give eggs. I also have bumped up their protein with black oil sunflower seeds and I crumble up day old hot dog buns (1-2) daily for them. The sunflower seeds were suggested by the gentleman who sold us our chicks in April (we bought them at 3 days old). We had the light on when our generator was on during our power outage, which meant from the time we awoke until we went to bed - this was anywhere from 8:30 to 10 p.m. The heat doesn't seem to make a lot of difference for them; but it makes me feel better :) The light may not either - I have read that pullets will lay their first year right on through the winter. As long as it is working, I will keep on this program!

We got our first egg yesterday. Proudly laid by Pandora Peckador the speckled Sussex. We found it in the run, so much for the nesting boxes I spent an afternoon building!
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This was taken by my husband on Oct. 30 and this is how we officially found out that Ginger/George is a Ginger our beautiful red chicken!

Thank you..... :) We are very happy about this and the other one who was thought to be a rooster and she has been laying eggs too! LOL
Bella is a White Crested Blue Polish that is only 18 weeks of age so I was not expecting her to lay first as we have some 22 week old hens we are waiting on. However, she has been squatting for a few days and today I watched her look for nests everywhere - including my husband's work bench in the garage. Finally she returned to the coop and got into one of the nest boxes and half an hour later I found this! Yay!!

11.25.15 Hello Folks... I'm behind in Replying to all those who have had first eggs. This post is for all of you that have your first egg and I haven't posted about it. Congrats to you. I know how it feels to get that first egg from one of your girls--exciting.. I recall back on Sept 2 2015 I was thrilled to find my first egg from one of my girls (either BR or RIR; I knew at the time LOL) Anyway have fun collecting eggs. Every day it is exciting for me to see how many of my 8 girls have laid an egg; sometimes I get an egg from each of them.. Have a good Thanksgiving... . Kay in NC 11.25.15
20 weeks exactly and my Silverlaced Wyandotte "Flo" laid her first egg today.
She laid it right where she roosts for the night so it was pretty nasty. I know a lot of people don't recommend rinsing the eggs off, but the poo was way too gross. Hopefully we can get them into their nesting boxes. Our other ladies should start laying any time too, this is the first egg from our entire flock

We cracked open Flo's first egg and surprise it's a double yolker! It's a lot bigger than the eggs that followed.

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