Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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TA-DAAAAA! My red sexlink laid her first egg!! So proud!
Our first egg. One of our Buff Orpingtons laid it, I'm not sure which one though. 22 weeks old, and they finally started giving us presents haha.
YAY!!!! I can finally post!!! My chicks are 18-20 weeks and we went out of town from early Friday morn to late Sat night.
When we got home last night there were 2 EGGS!!!
So either I have 2 that just started or 1 that layed Fri And Sat!
I think it was my 20 week BA that laid both, but we will see! They are tiny, but nicely shelled.






Our first egg came 2 days ago! Very eggciting for the family!
We haven't had one since. Is it normal for chickens to be inconsistent when they first start? Maybe it's the heat? They all seem happy, healthy and very spoiled.
Our very first egg!!! This is from, Salt, a SLW at 19 weeks. We are ridiculously excited! So, after reading some posts here, I am gathering that the laying will be very random for the first few weeks and then start on a daily/almost daily basis. Is that right? (one of my sons is outside now-8a.m.- combing the coop and run for more eggs!)
Yes, it's very normal for eggs to come inconsistently at first. The best layers I've seen average 3-4 eggs a week. Sometimes you'll get more or less, but that's the average.
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