Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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congrats! and what a beautiful egg it is!
Looks like a peachy cream color?
One of my Rhode Island Reds laid her first egg today (mine too - kinda). Below is a picture of the egg next to a "large" grocery store egg. My hens are right at 24 wks old.


Here is the final destination:


I didn't think I would get eggs with the daylight hours decreasing. Here's hoping for an egg supply over the winter!?
I'm sooooo egg-cited....
our first egg!! Thats a tablespoon, by the way.

We weren't expecting any eggs until December. Now, we just have to figure out which one of these girls laid the tiny thing.

The BR is about 19 weeks and the rest are about 20 weeks. I am leaning towards the BR. She's the youngest, but also the "rooster hen", and more filled out than the RIR. They all seem a little young to be laying, though. Any Ideas out there would be greatly appreciated.
I have been waiting for the day I could post to this thread since I discovered the forum in June!!!!!!!!!!

Behold, our first egg!!!! From our Black Australorp, 21 weeks old.


These aren't my very first eggs. We have a couple older EE that have be laying for months but this is the first batch from our day olds we've been raising since April.
The hens all had very red combs I wondered why I wasn't getting any eggs yet!

edited to add, they are all now on lock down until they realize where they are supposed to be laying.
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LOL! Naughty little biddies! What an uncomfortable looking place for a nest- no wonder you didn't look there.
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