Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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i posted my first chicken egg pick a while back and now here's my first duck egg. woo hoo.

I finally got my first egg today!


I think the proud momma was my smallest GSL, Nugget. She was making a huge racket when I went to check the nest boxes for the 10 millionth time. Is this a decent size for a firs tegg? the white one in the picture is an "extra large" from the fridge.
thats a great size for the first egg. expect them to get atleast 50% larger though. my dekalb amberlink was laying golf ball sized eggs in the beginning and now most of them are larger than jumbo's from the store, wait till you crack it open, its nothing like store bought

Found a nest today with 7 eggs in it. Our first eggs on our farm! Our 9 girls are 23 weeks and I believe it's the Red Production and EE that have been laying. I'm hoping to find more eggs in the nest tomorrow! Two of my Cinnamon Queens should be laying soon as well.
I am one proud mother hen!! Our very first ever egg from one of my 3 girls. I suspect it is the barred rock, Jeannette, she has been doing the egg squat for just under a week now. The egg is a little small, but it was perfect nonetheless, and tasted great!

Store bought egg on the right, egg from hen on the left.


21 weeks and 2 days old.
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it was a double yolker, so would that maybe be why it was so big? the two yolks were tiny, and there was some crud in it thatI had to scoop out, but delicious just the same. the yolks weren't the pretty dark yellow I was hoping for though...hmmm
My First Easter Egger egg! Way bigger than my brown egg layers eggs and the next day I got a double yolker from her. The brown on in this pic was also a double yolker!
it was a double yolker, so would that maybe be why it was so big? the two yolks were tiny, and there was some crud in it thatI had to scoop out, but delicious just the same. the yolks weren't the pretty dark yellow I was hoping for though...hmmm

if you give them more free range time where they have access to bugs and weeds along with veggie and fruit scraps you should see a bigger difference in color. also i reccomend after you crack your eggs to put the shell in the microwave for atleast 30 seconds, then crush it up and put it in your yard, i do this and have great shells without buying oyster shell, also the crud was most likely a meat spot, not pleasant to look at but its edible and perfectly normal
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