Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I just have two ducks right now and I have been waiting and waiting for eggs. The ducks are right at 7 months old. Maybe it's the dandelions I've been picking for them this week, it can't be that they're liking the frigid weather, whatever it is, today one of them laid an egg (which I should have washed before taking this picture lol)

Our Wheaten Marans, Nuggles, laid her first egg today. We thought she'd gotten out of the yard because I couldn't find her anywhere, and went in to get my son to help find her. He heard her under our back stairs, where she was setting on a little nest she'd made, utterly safe and dry out of the rain. When we extracted her we saw this:
She's one of our two younger pullets at 23 weeks, and is the smallest, and bottom of the pecking order. I am SO PROUD of her for turning the odds around and being the first of our flock of four mixed girls to lay. The others are a Welsummer, a Wynadotte and a Barnevelder. Can't wait to see who's next. You'd think I laid this myself, I'm so chuffed! (proud)
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Congrats on that beautiful egg.
I love your felted egg bowl. Perfect for such a treasure.
Two new eggs today! My 26 week old Easter Egger and one of my 24 week old Barred Rocks .....
From left to right - Clotilde (1 1/2 year old hen), Echo (EE) and Raindrop (BR):

The two guilty parties of the day, Echo and Raindrop (old pic of Raindrop):

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Top Photo: This is our first egg ever (and it's big!)! I'm pretty sure it's from our Jersey Giant. :)
Second Photo: First egg next to a store egg for comparison.
Third Photo: The two on the left are what DH found today when he went to see how the ladies were handling the snow. Our first green egg ever (it looks kinda gray in the pic)! And our first time getting more than one egg, for that matter. Both eggs today were long and thin, so, we took a picture of them next to a "normal" egg from our ladies for comparison. I'm so proud of our girls! We've only had them about 10 days and we've gotten 9 eggs. I was expecting it to take them a few weeks to acclimate and start laying. Glad I was wrong!
I love your egg recieving thingy! Who made that cute whatchamalcallit?
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