
5 Years
Mar 30, 2019
Hey guys. I saw some fresh dirt under the chicken rack thst I didn't notice yesterday. I think a raccoon might be trying to get at the chickens again. But we do also have a couple of cats hanging around, so I'm not sure.

There was a small pile of fresh dirt near a small gap in the wall. It looks like something started to dig under there, but gave up. The hole wasn't very big at all, and there wasn't a lot of dirt around it, but it was fresh, and on the inside of the barn, so I'm a little alarmed.

Should I try fortifying the wall on the outside in that area to deter the predator? Maybe set up a live animal trap. Wait and hope it doesn't get my babies?

We have a couple of cats that like to hang out near the barn, so I'm worried that one of them might get stuck in the animal trap.

What should I do about this small hole and fresh pile of dirt?
Hey guys. I saw some fresh dirt under the chicken rack thst I didn't notice yesterday. I think a raccoon might be trying to get at the chickens again. But we do also have a couple of cats hanging around, so I'm not sure.

There was a small pile of fresh dirt near a small gap in the wall. It looks like something started to dig under there, but gave up. The hole wasn't very big at all, and there wasn't a lot of dirt around it, but it was fresh, and on the inside of the barn, so I'm a little alarmed.

Should I try fortifying the wall on the outside in that area to deter the predator? Maybe set up a live animal trap. Wait and hope it doesn't get my babies?

We have a couple of cats that like to hang out near the barn, so I'm worried that one of them might get stuck in the animal trap.

What should I do about this small hole and fresh pile of dirt?
First, I'd fill in the dirt.
I live in an area infested with coyotes, so I always make sure that my flock is securely locked in at night. I've seen paw prints inside my turkey run, sometimes they dig under the fence. I had to dig under my fence and place metal bars in the dirt so they wouldn't get my birds.
I'm not an expert on racoons, however, I've only dealt with coyotes.
Wish I could be more of help to you!
If you catch the cats just release them or eliminate them. I have electric wires around my coops and pens. So far nothing has gotten past the electric wires. I have seen some places where something has attempted to dig but once they touch the electric wires they abort the attempts and don't try again. I also have several game cameras so I can see what is lurking. Predator proof everything everywhere you keep your birds. We had a lot of coyotes here too because nothing preys on the coyotes but they will prey on everything else. A neighbor let some hunters on his property and I am assuming they got most of the coyotes because previously I was seeing coyotes nightly and now rarely. Good luck...
You can learn a lot from what you catch in a live trap, but you have to deal with the proceeds afterwards. We use one here, and have been successful in thinning the predator population - possums, raccoons, groundhogs.

For more a more consistent deterrent, and I know it’s a lot of work, but as @cmom said above, a hot wire eliminates a lot of problems. And if the chickens aren’t inclined to scratch in that area that was dug up, you might incorporate a hefty proportion of cayenne pepper into the soil when you replace it.

Good luck. It sounds like you may have averted a serious attack but chances are good it will be back to try again.
Guess I'll have to put some hardware cloth around the area where the whole was. IDK about electrifying it bc it's under a wall in the barn. It has tin walls, abd a wire handle door, so that would electrify me too. I thought about just putting a conder block on thr other side of it to deter whatever made the hole.
Fill in the dirt. Then put a brick over it. If I were you, go to tractor supply and buy electric fencing to protect your chickens. One zap from that the raccoon or possibly cats will stay away. Don’t worry the shock won’t kill them just warn them to stay away.
I put something over the hole and haven't seen any signs of predators since. Thanks guys.

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