Potting Soil for Brooder


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
Hi Folks! Just wanted to relate what I finally settled on for litter in my brooder box last August, after experimenting with several options. What worked really well for me was to use potting soil -- the particles were too small to be a danger to the chicks, it stirred up easily and kept the odors at a minimum, and I could toss it all in the compost bin or garden when the chicks were finally in their coop! Anyone else have success with this as litter (or problems)?
i haven't used potting soil, but i've had tremendous luck with peat moss both in my brooder and in my coop. i highly recommend it to all. it's almost completely odor-free and really appeals to the chicks and the hens for digging and dust bathing. the only drawback is that it makes a fine, settling dust on everything. it doesn't clog up the air in my coop or build up on the hens or their precious beaks, but it does cover everything in the "human area" of the coop with a fine dust like cocoa.

my worries about potting soil would be the additives, including vermiculite, which i wouldn't think would be good if ingested.
We use sand. Works great for the brooder boxes and the pens. It helps to that there is a sand pit about 2 miles from our house.
We get it by the dump truck load. I just wonder where it all goes? We get about 2 loads a year, 16+ tons a load. You would think the ground level would be 10 feet high by now but it isn't, it's the same level as the rest.

Steve in NC
I have never used potting soil,but can see where it would work good for them.(probably more natural too)Did you avoid the stuff with the little pieces of styrofoam in it for moisture? Will
Yes, we used "organic" potting soil that was vermiculite and additive free (although after seeing the amount of styrofoam our chickens consumed on the sly while we were insulating the coop, I think they can eat just about anything!).
I like the sand idea, and the peat moss. We're going to brood out in the shed this year rather than in our basement, so the dust won't be as much of an issue.
What a wonderful idea. Cleaning that disgusting newspaper out is not fun and it makes me gag....

I will plan on using organic potting soil and peat moss together. My garden is going to do GREAT this year. Thanks guys.

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