Potty Training Chickens, How-to!

I have a turkey that is a few months old and he refuses to hang out with the other birds. He follows us around, and loves to come in the house and snuggle on our pillows at night. I'm hoping to be able to use this technique to potty train him, I am so tired of changing the pillowcases and sheets on the bed!!

Oh how cute! Good luck with that. They make chicken diapers, but I haven't heard of turkey diapers, you could be the first
One of our chickens always seemed to prefer being with my 8 yr old son than with the other chickens. She has always let her in the house, and she "plays" cards and other games with him.She also walks her on a harness, and she will lay on her back in your arms and sleep like a baby. She has never pooped in the house, although she sometimes stays in for a long time. I don't know why she seems so "trained" I never trained her, but like I said she has spent most of her time with my boy. She also rides in his bike basket.
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This is awsome! We have a large rooster that has snuck into the house on multiple occasions, but never made it further than the tv when we would find him. My roommates and I were wondering if training him was possible, now I know it is!
I just got 2 , I think both are hens, guessing they are about 4 months old, is there any hope for me. they let me pick them up, but do not stay if i don't hold them. how do I get them to want to .stay longer? nancy
I loved your chicken potty training notes, so I joined this site.
A question: Is it possible to potty train chickens and ship them somewhere as adults?
Or, would the trauma of changed environment and owner cause the shipped chickens to have
bad behavior that might meed a chicken wisperer's attention.

Also, I think I have seen cats and chickens get along ok, but I am wondering how is the best way to properly introduce them?

Any attention to these questions would fill my day with appreciation.

Have a great creative day.
Hi there,
I am attempting to train my chickens to stay off of my concrete areas and out of my carport. I have tried fencing the area which can only be partially done, shooing them away with a broom and saying NO!, tapping them hard on the head (like another chicken would) and saying NO ! , grabbing them by the feet and carrying them to the coop and locking them in for a few hours, and yelling NO ! when they step on the concrete. All of these efforts work some of the time, but the chickens seem to "forget" or are just simply defiant other times. Any tips or solutions you can offer?. The chickens are about 18 months old and have been laying for almost one year
I am getting chicks in a week and I would like to train my chickes to stay within a certain area of the yard. Any advice?
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