Poultry couple contest!!! Ends July 1st 2022


These are 2 ladies.. not sure if it counts.
Mushy and Sugar
At around 3 months of age
Backyard mix

Mushy (left) had a birth defect and his mother left him behind. A week later Sugar's mother hatched her chicks. She raised him with them. Mushy died just after his 1st birthday. He never grew much, but Sugar and he wear inseparable.
Goliath & Little Chip
Chippy, a crested cream legbar, is around 15 months old
Goliath, a barnyard mix is around 14 months old

Fact: When Goliath sits, he is taller than Chippy standing.
I tried to seperate them, because he is so large.
Chippy was despondent, so I let her go back to his coop.

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