Power outage and babies


Apr 21, 2018
Hi everyone. So my girls are foing on 2 wks old this week and i woke last night to a power failure ugh!
Theyre in a room inside in their brooder but i was concerned with their hest lamp being off. Theyve been doing super and obviously getting their big girl feathers but just curious how long they could go without heat should this happen again. They seemed fine when I checked on them, just huddled and once it webt back on at some point they’re all fine.
I'm not sure how long they can go, but you could get a hot water bottle in case this happens again. They will last about 5 hours. I put a woolly hen over mine and it last 7 to 8 hours.
Hand warmer packets(as long as the chicks don't peck at them)

Mason jars with hot water

There are lots of options for you to try should this happen again. Being two weeks old they can probably stand it for a while but it could cause stress and thus pasty butt so keep an eye out for that.

Day old chicks will not do well without heat for very long. The older they get I would assume their tolerance would go up but still always best to have a back up idea. We keep hand warmers as a last resort before we would move them to somewhere with power.

Also I've heard of hanging a feather duster in the brooder for them to cuddle into although I doubt they would use it if they weren't used to it.
Thanks for the replies. Hot hands would probably work best as I couldn’t microwave a heater I have or get hot water and with the way the outages sometimes occur, not about to fire up a generator, especially at 3 or 4am. But I’ll keep hot hands in the house anyway to wrap in a towel just in case. The girls weathered it fine, o stress and happy as can be
We've used warm bricks heated on the stove for extra cold nights. They hold heat pretty good.

Glad it worked out for you:thumbsup

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