Pray for my Family

Sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure folk here will be thinking of your family. It is so hard to come to terms with.
We have lost a few family members over the years. It does get easier as time goes on, take the good memories of the life of that person and cellibrate what they meant to you.

Thinking of you today
Oesdog -
Heavenly Father, I lift up Stacy and her family to you as they begin to heal from the departure of their loved one that you have called back home. We know that there is life beyond the physical, and that death does not really exist. We know that death of the body does not mean death of the spirit, only a removal of the suit that the body used while serving your purpose here on earth. A dark shadow being removed. It is the end of physical pain and suffering. Oh Father, I ask for each member of this family that is deep in sorrow, that you will wrap your loving and tender arms around them to give them comfort, assuring them that their loved one is free of all the limitations of humanity and is at peace in your kingdom, ready to plea their causes before you. Let them feel the tranquility of your kingdom, let them hear the host of angels singing, let them see the soothing waters beyond the vista and explore the majestic hues that only abound in your kingdom, let them be a thread of the beautiful mosiac created within your kingdom. Dear Father, I pray that their thoughts will be your thoughts, their words be your words and in those two, they will hold close to their hearts your Love and Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you everyone for your prayers. The funeral is tomorrow but I will not be able to make it. My aunt was blessed because she did survive for 15 years after a heart transplant.

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