prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Can people believe a lie? that seems to be the point of Gary's post. If believing a lie is possible then it is possible that having Gary's point of view might also be believing in a lie, yes I have an agenda, I want everyone that wants an eternity with God to choose Heaven. The choice is yours, you are responsible for your decision, choose wisely..... Romans 1:18-20
I do not believe a lie, me thinks it is you who does. I do not "believe" in anything, Santa, the easter bunny all require you to believe in them. I stick with the facts, that can be proven with actual science. Romans? Oh puhlease because they were so advanced 2000 years ago... I wonder why the bible talks about obeying mans law... Crowd control comes to mind.

Have a great day, hug someone.

Gary from Idyllwild Ca here
unexpected funerals today, two different families in my Bible study

Please pray for Kim and Kirk
Wow, I definitely will
Tell them so for me, would ya?
I do not believe a lie, me thinks it is you who does. I do not "believe" in anything, Santa, the easter bunny all require you to believe in them. I stick with the facts, that can be proven with actual science. Romans? Oh puhlease because they were so advanced 2000 years ago... I wonder why the bible talks about obeying mans law... Crowd control comes to mind.

Have a great day, hug someone.

Gary from Idyllwild Ca here
Your point is valid. But the OP who started this thread didn't ask if anyone wanted to debate her faith. She asked for prayer warriors!

If obeying the laws of man was meant for crowd control why doesn't it work? Because the only people who obey the laws are those that care. Yes there are idiots claiming to be Christian like the Westborrow (or however you spell it) Baptist Church who are extremest. And plenty of hypocrites who make people feel unwelcome. Shame on those people who think their sin of speeding is less than that of rapist who has truly repented and continue to speed despite that it says to obey the law of the land.
Do I think it's right or fair? No, but it says in the bible that a sin is a sin!

@PeepersMama Let it be know that my one little sin will NOT send me to hell..... because I am saved by grace!

Yes, I believe that evolution happens to a degree, but not in the sense of Darwin. No I don't believe fish grow four legs. And also haven't seen any science or evolution that disproves God in any fashion. Yes I search my heart to see what I believe is because it's what I was taught. Truth is I believe because of my own personal experience.

Now, my take on drugs and prison, I speak with much experience as both my parents and brothers use heroin, and many other family members use other stuff and all have committed crimes. Friends, alcohol is a deadly legal drug! It's true some people are in for minor offenses. But many have done heinous things. We tried that here in Ca, remember it's called the department of corrections and rehabilitation for a reason. And in Corcoran have a whole institution committed to "helping" drug abusers. Many people who use drugs are suffering from undiagnosed mental illness, including my family members. Seriously though, you can't help those who don't want it or won't help themselves. No matter what sense you think you might be able to talk into them their brain isn't working the same as yours. Yes they need treatment. Let's start by not releasing the habitual offenders, who mind you aren't just doing drugs but out burglarizing homes and stealing children's bicycles or whatever they can get their thieving hands on. And then I as a tax payer now have to spend my dollars to house and babysit the A-hole who just took what we worked hard for. Let's quit spending out tax dollars to give gay inmates sex changes (yes, the judge ordered the state to pay and CDCR quickly released him), or for their hormone treatments to get big boobs!

And I can't even tell you how many times my brothers walked with a slap on the wrist. Really the judge didn't do them or society any favors! All he did was enable them to perpetuate their illness. If the consequences were greater like not getting cable TV to watch, air conditioning, and better health care than my working family members maybe they would think twice. But no, it's like a vacation to them! They don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or if they are gonna sleep on the street tonight. No our system isn't perfect and IMO there really isn't much justice!
Again more laws are made for... the abiding not the offending.

Sorry to whoever it was who is having trouble with their two sons.
I will lift them up, not knowing their offenses... not to be let off with a slap on the wrist, but to have a change in their heart that convicts them to do something else with their life than drugs. Yes there are tons of people in jail who are or have become christian. My dad is always bible thumping when he is in prison. His mind is a little clearer when he's there without all the outside pressures of the world. For many, it may be the first time they ever heard about Christ! And they have all the time in the world to read and think about the truth. I believe my dad truly believes in God but hasn't the ability to leave his old habits yet. Also in truth, going to jail or prison has saved their lives many times because they were on the brink of death in their addictions. Even when they want help, it's not easy. And I also think it does take practice to get it right.

Usually atheist are people who are mad at God for one reason or another. Because they think "how could a loving God let that happen?!" I think that to. But as a parent I can tell you that sometimes you have to let thing happen like it or not. And you always hope your children will be safe and learn a gentile lesson. Two of my best friend claim they are atheist also, funny that they know more of the bible than me!

Today my mom has about 15 years clean from heroin, Praise God! It can happen. After many stints in prison she found Teen Challenge. It must have been her time to get clean. But it hasn't been all peaches and cream I promise. And sometimes, it's got to be tough love, unfortunately.

@ocap Funerals are no fun. For me, I believe the ones who passed are the lucky ones. I lift up your group and ask that our Fathers' arms will comfort you all in your time of need!

Oh and Gary, @IdyllwildAcres weather you like it or not.... right now with all who are present I lift you and your family up that God might reveal himself in a manor that you can't deny his existence!

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