prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

[COLOR=0000FF]I'm so glad you're back.  To God be the glory.  He continues to do miracles in the lives of His children.[/COLOR]  

[COLOR=0000FF]To quote "nested quotes" or a quote within a quote:  Go to your profile, click on preferences.  Then click or unclick  the box pertaining to "remove nested quotes".  When I'm responding to other posts, I click the whole post, and then bold print the text I'm responding to, or delete all of the text I'm not responding to, to make it easier for the reader.  I also put my text in blue print if I'm jumping around a lot to make it easier for the reader to differentiate between my text and the text I'm responding to.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Yep.  Prayer does not have to be some formal.... "Ok, God, I'm gonna pray now...."  It is merely conversation with God any time, and all the time.  It can be as simple as a few words, or more than that.  It can be time set aside to pray for the people who you know are struggling, or a simple, "Lord, please use me today.  Teach me today.   God, please get me through the scary traffic ahead."  Or what ever. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]What she said.  [/COLOR]

Some great advice, and thanks LG for expounding that for us :)

My "personal" belief on the "unclean spirits" of today, they're no different than they were then. They didn't have all these "medical" terms, and they didn't have all these "magic pills"... Dint get me wrong, I was diagnosed bipolar, so I've eaten my share of pills... But when it came down to it, they just messed with my body and brain even more, then I labeled myself as " bipolar" and thought I'd never be "normal" without a pill.

Huge blow to my self esteem. :(

Over the years, I came to realize that everybody struggles with their own "demons". I was no different, I just need a different way to look at it and treat it. I haven't had to medicate for about 10 years, and I've learned to cope with the ups and downs, and hence removed the label of " bipolar" from my life and am now just "mom", or " ma" or "mommy", or " Erika " ;)

At the end of the day, I know that anything that I give into temptation on is, in my head, Satan. So, he's in my head, possessing me constantly. It's my own mind warring with mybheart, just like Paul.

But Jesus heals BOTH sickness and demon possession, so no matter what we call it this day and age, "psychological disorder" or "demon possession", its going to be fixed as long as I keep my mind and heart on Jesus :)

Thank you both! It was very helpful :)

And LG, thanks so much for the info about quotes! All this time I thought you just couldn't quote nestes quotes on this site and that was just that! Who knew. LOL

and thats good to know :)

For myself because of the OCD I find my hands have to be touching when I pray even if it's just barely, like a finger or something, but usually it's fully clasped, which as you can imagine is really inconvenient sometimes. Especially when also because of the OCD I constantly ask for stupid stuff or like I forget to add something in the last prayer so I'll say another one etc :/

Now I'm not prayers bad, obviously it is good and I know you say you can't pray too much, but I think with the OCD I take it a little too far. Maybe what I need to do is take time throughout the day specifically to pray?

Also with the OCD I can't really just have a casual conversation, it has to start with God or something similar and end with Amen or something similar and even in it I have certain things i always say.. even prayer isnt safe from it :(

But anyway, reason it has to start with God is so God knows I'm talking to Him cause otherwise I have a tendency to think other stuff while I'm praying and sometimes its bad and yeah. So if I start with God then He knows all the other **** isn't to Him. But maybe he already knows that?

And sorry, just remembered I shouldn't swear :(
Can I get some help with my school question?

How do I suppose mankind would react if they knew for certain the day and hour of Christs return?

Well, I saw this happen in 1999, people thought Y2K was going to make the world implode or something... Some people maxed out credit cards thinking they wouldn't have to foot the bill. Others stocked up on booze for the party if the century... Other people were at church I suppose...

I didn't care, lol I had to work that night so I was looking more forward to getting off early when the computers crashed is all :D

Now, I would take it more seriously if I knew it for a fact. But the BIBLICAL fact is, NOBODY knows when that would be, so if it were some big announcement on the news, I wouldn't believe it. Therefore, I wouldn't freak out about it. I would do what I do every day. Trust that I'm doing my best and that at ANY moment, unannounced, the end could come. And I hope when it comes, I'm not caught off guard, up to my eyeballs in sin.

Quite honestly, how many people get a "notice" when its the end of the world for them? Heart attack, stroke, overdose, tragic accident like the unfortunate guy in ocaps story? They don't get notice, and neither do we. That's why we need to be ready at all times, spreading the word at all times, not becoming distracted by possibilities.

Fact is, I could die tonight in my sleep, and so could you. That's what I consider the end of my world. And I pray I'm ready.
Jacob Study comment
Genesis 27

remember Jacob lied about who he was, that will be revisited later in the Bible

Leviticus 19:11
‘You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another.

Proverbs 19:5
A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who tells lies will not escape.

Ezekiel 13:8
Therefore, thus says the Lord God, “Because you have spoken falsehood and seen a lie, therefore behold, I am against you,” declares the Lord God.

John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Colossians 3:9
Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices,

Hebrews 6:18
so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.

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