prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Wow, sure hope I can look back and realize that what I've done in my life is more significant than having a few kids! :)

I guess maybe I already do ;)

Good point on being called to the prayer thread here.. I admit, lol I tried to avoid it. Clicked on it once, read a bit, backed out; saw it on the "recent posts" quite a few times before I clicked on it again, read a bit, and backed out....

Decisions decisions, I was trying to decide if I actually wanted to hang out with a bunch of Bible thumpers on a chicken site. :D

Turns out, I couldn't resist that third click ha-ha, and I'm glad I didn't! :)

I for one am glad you joined too! And I'm glad I joined. Cause then we never would have met each other. Well, we probably would have, like with my Whole Foods thread and I'm sure others, but we wouldn't have known each other like this and honestly, you've been a huge help with all our PMs. Even when I'm annoying (which is probably a lot lately) you still find something great to say. So thanks
and like LG said, I'm sure you have a huge impact on your kids and step kids and husband and that's something.

Ocap, thanks for sharing that.  

SG, never, never, never underestimate the impact you are having with your children, with your husband, and with the other people who enter your circle.  You are a heavenly fragrance to the world.

To the rest of the readers:  If you have Jesus in your heart, the most important thing you can do in this life is to share that Jesus love with the people around you.  Pray for this lost and dying world.  

To any who are reading, who don't know if they have Jesus in their hearts.  If you wonder if this Jesus stuff is simply an other religion, if it's a fairy tale, I urge you to pick up a Bible, and read the book of John.  Or pick up a copy of "More than a Carpenter" by Josh Mc Dowel.  Read it.  When you start reading, pray a simple prayer.  Ask God to show you the truth.  Ask God to show you if He's real.  Ask God to give you unmistakeable, undeniable evidence that will convince you without a shadow of a doubt that God is real, that He does work in your life, that He does care for you, and that Jesus is God's son, fully God, yet fully human.  That he came to pay the sin debt for you and me, to reconcile us to a relationship with God, and to fill that empty place that exists in the soul of every man.  

Love to all.

Very well said LG!

And I believe but I'm still going to do your suggestion so I can be stronger in Him etc
Thanks :)

Idk if you saw my other post but basically I had this experience a few years ago where I felt like really moved to volunteer at this summer camp for foster kids after watching this movie (Camp, great movie. It's on Netflix) but I chickened out like 2 or 3 years in a row then forgot about it. Then just last night I saw this video on FB about this guy that started making like care packages for foster kids, like a duffel bag filled with a stuffed animal and toiletries, etc. And I Googled it and there's tons of other groups that do the same thing but with different bags or different items, same basic premise, some groups are quite large, others smaller, but same goal, make them feel more dignified/safe and no more trash bags for their stuff.


Between the experience a few years ago and now this, I feel like God really wants me to do something to help foster kids/kids in general

And i ignored it the first time cause i knew itd be really hard and i was scared. But i might start small like with the bags

Go and obey those little desires to help before a giant fish swallow you (a la Jonah ha ha) and spew you out in another land. Lol
God will honor your little effort since you are faithful with little things.

Believe me I went thru it, will be a long story but I give you a gist. I have felt in my heart to help out speaking in a mission school few years ago overseas I was afraid
never spoke and teach in school much more in a mission school a group of 80 adults and professionals and I just graduated from high school at the time, doubt was there (me of little faith) I have no money and I am no Bible scholar but I stepped out with fear and trembling and trusted God. Miracles happened, was able to fly for the first time (cost few thousands) spoke and prayed for people for the first time and saw miracles happened in people lives, healing I've never seen before, my faith surge thru the roof and so are the people I've met. I came back home with more money than I needed that year that I used to pay for my schooling I've never even asked for. But the most important was it cemented my faith stronger and my relationship with Christ deeper that helped me to go thru during hard times later on. God had shown me that He was real in a new way not just some distant person in the Bible.
@ocap & @LRH97 . Thanks for sharing your stories, it lifted me up, now I felt like a cry baby tears rolling down in happiness. Never knew the story of that song writer - it is well w/ my soul. Amazing trust and faith in God.
Go and obey those little desires to help before a giant fish swallow you (a la Jonah ha ha) and spew you out in another land. Lol
God will honor your little effort since you are faithful with little things.

Believe me I went thru it, will be a long story but I give you a gist. I have felt in my heart to help out speaking in a mission school few years ago overseas I was afraid
never spoke and teach in school much more in a mission school a group of 80 adults and professionals and I just graduated from high school at the time, doubt was there (me of little faith) I have no money and I am no Bible scholar but I stepped out with fear and trembling and trusted God. Miracles happened, was able to fly for the first time (cost few thousands) spoke and prayed for people for the first time and saw miracles happened in people lives, healing I've never seen before, my faith surge thru the roof and so are the people I've met. I came back home with more money than I needed that year that I used to pay for my schooling I've never even asked for. But the most important was it cemented my faith stronger and my relationship with Christ deeper that helped me to go thru during hard times later on. God had shown me that He was real in a new way not just some distant person in the Bible.

Wow that's amazing! Thank you, I will definitely do that then :)
Wow that's amazing! Thank you, I will definitely do that then :)

Remember: To Obey is better than sacrifice.

Words am learning in my life myself. I'm working over 50 hours a week, raising 3 small kids and lotsa chickens lol, instead of traveling the world and proclaiming the good news.
What if you don't have a calling?

Others have given you great answers.

There's always calling in our life, small ones, big ones and great ones. How we face every day challenges is a calling. After my few years of traveling and college, my calling right now is to raise my 3 small kids one has medical problems, working over 50 hours in my job and being a husband to my exhausted wife. Sometimes not easy but for now it's my "calling".
lol that makes me smile considering how often we run in to each other on the same threads lol. OK laughing not the best thing right now but feels good. Little boy had a hard time poor guy had cows milk all night (I need a goat) but he pulled through laying on top of me our three year old a stinker she was thirsty and only mommy could get her juice and if moved he wake up long night. She claims daddy stinky....well I can't disagree he stinking cute forsure. Poor guy came rush home from work to an overheated wife who was trying not to pass out. Freaked him out. However he mean I was already in a colder shower then he tells me to get out in front of a fan not nice
.. He turned the fan off after a minute but had me in living room. My mother coming up today to help us out. Thank God!! I have admit I am a weakly I never had bronchitis before and the dr said it could be either strep or flu with it I think she was just being cruel with that prediction. After the first round of medication I feel better then I have. The cough syrup knocks me for a loop I feel drunk on it. And I agree everyone has callings and they change and grow just like you do. At one point in my life I was called to work at Lowe's and share the Gospel (better at in person), another was to marry my husband, turns was to go through the horrible time to come out with a stronger faith and a believing husband. Oh an to be a mother. A sister, daughter and friend. There a woman at my church the same day I was told to go live with my mother her daughter same age as me was in a horrible car crash. She has pretty much adopted me lol we pretty close as friends but who would have thought that would all go on at the same time.

Hard to believe that this all started with a little post that you shared! :) I've seen other prayer threads on here, but this one has seemed to really thrive! It's amazing how God can find a way to bring us together and spread His Word and help others find that true joy.

Praying for you guys to get better Rebecca, and I'm thankful that you followed the calling to start this little slice of joy to my days.

Ocap, thanks for sharing that.  

SG, never, never, never underestimate the impact you are having with your children, with your husband, and with the other people who enter your circle.  You are a heavenly fragrance to the world.

To the rest of the readers:  If you have Jesus in your heart, the most important thing you can do in this life is to share that Jesus love with the people around you.  Pray for this lost and dying world.  

To any who are reading, who don't know if they have Jesus in their hearts.  If you wonder if this Jesus stuff is simply an other religion, if it's a fairy tale, I urge you to pick up a Bible, and read the book of John.  Or pick up a copy of "More than a Carpenter" by Josh Mc Dowel.  Read it.  When you start reading, pray a simple prayer.  Ask God to show you the truth.  Ask God to show you if He's real.  Ask God to give you unmistakeable, undeniable evidence that will convince you without a shadow of a doubt that God is real, that He does work in your life, that He does care for you, and that Jesus is God's son, fully God, yet fully human.  That he came to pay the sin debt for you and me, to reconcile us to a relationship with God, and to fill that empty place that exists in the soul of every man.  

Love to all.

Well said LG, and thanks :) I get to start looking back at my life and going, "oh! That was a call I didn't answer and that's why I had to go through that, etc etc.." All those things that were shaping us and molding us in our past that seemed so trivial at the time. They kind of start to weave a really intricate tapestry when we stand back and look at the whole thing ;)

I for one am glad you joined too! And I'm glad I joined. Cause then we never would have met each other. Well, we probably would have, like with my Whole Foods thread and I'm sure others, but we wouldn't have known each other like this and honestly, you've been a huge help with all our PMs. Even when I'm annoying (which is probably a lot lately) you still find something great to say. So thanks
and like LG said, I'm sure you have a huge impact on your kids and step kids and husband and that's something.
Very well said LG!

And I believe but I'm still going to do your suggestion so I can be stronger in Him etc

Me too! I know everyone here from other threads, but yeah, not like this. ;) Its a whole different relationship when we find other brothers and sisters out here in the world. And we are mutually annoying lol, remember? ;) Its a good thing :D You are helping me too!

Remember: To Obey is better than sacrifice.

Words am learning in my life myself. I'm working over 50 hours a week, raising 3 small kids and lotsa chickens lol, instead of traveling the world and proclaiming the good news.

Awesome way to put it. Now I feel like a dork for complaining about squalling baby this morning; I wasn't supposed to be able to have kids at all, and now I have 3 of my own, plus step kids! Be careful what you don't want or think you need, cause you'll probably get it ;)

It's not sacrifice if its for the Lord; he's given me so much more than I ever thought I needed that it's only right to give it back plus interest. :)

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