prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

 You can't "save" your husband, either accept him for who he is warts and all or let it go.  People do not really change, and hanging on t him because you think you can fix him, or bring him around to your way of thinking is a recipe for disaster.  I vote for take him as is, warts and all:)

Good luck

Gary from Idyllwild Ca here

Not a prayer warrior

Huge atheist here.

Well your new clothes parade is over. Her prayer was answered and yours was not. Go figure.;)
Quote: Gary, you make one true statement here. No human can save an other from his sin. Only Jesus Christ can do so. Huge believer in the power of the Almighty God and His plan of redemption for my sin here. At the end of the day, what if you're right and I'm wrong? I'll have lived a good life, perhaps behaving better than I otherwise would have. I'll have lived my life wearing rose colored glasses, believing in my God, my Jesus, and His promise of eternal life... only to find that I was wrong, and the dirt nap is the end of it all.

But, Gary, what if you're wrong? What if all of the Bible is true? What if we are created with an eternal life and an eternal soul? What if, as Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but through Me?" What if the dirt nap is not the end of the story, and this life is just a blink of an eye compared to an eternal life, with an eternal soul? What if God is right? What if Jesus is right? What if the Bible is right? What if I'm right, and you're wrong? And that eternal soul spends the remainder of eternity in either Heaven or Hell, based solely on his acceptance or rejection of the salvation offered by Jesus Christ?

If I were a betting woman, I'd place my bets on my truth compared to your truth.
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Gary, you make one true statement here.  No human can save an other from his sin.  Only Jesus Christ can do so.  Huge believer in the power of the Almighty God and His plan of redemption for my sin here.  At the end of the day, what if you're right and I'm wrong?  I'll have lived a good life, perhaps behaving better than I otherwise would have.  I'll have lived my life wearing rose colored glasses, believing in my God, my Jesus, and His promise of eternal life... only to find that I was wrong, and the dirt nap is the end of it all.  

But, Gary, what if you're wrong?  What if all of the Bible is true?  What if  we are created with an eternal life and an eternal soul?  What if, as Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No man comes to the Father but through Me?  What if the dirt nap is not the end of the story, and this life is just a blink of an eye compared to an eternal life, with an eternal soul?  What if God is right?  What if Jesus is right?  What if the Bible is right?  What if I'm right, and you're wrong?  And that eternal soul spends the remainder of eternity in either Heaven or Hell, based solely on his acceptance or rejection of the salvation offered by Jesus Christ?  

If I were a betting woman, I'd place my bets on my truth compared to your truth.


This old painting I did for a children's book I'm dedicating to your poor, poor kitty with the broken leg!

I just have to share with this awesome group my day....
Hubby brought me a cup of coffee, a danish, and a whole heap of chicken wire, lumber & posts. 8 hours later I fell to the couch (exhausted) having built half of a new rooster "mansion". What a feeling of elation spending the entire day creating a new coop!

Everyone have an AWESOME night... and thanks for all the great & inspiring posts!
Love & Blessings,
Amy S
Make Investments with Eternal Rewards

Every time you’re generous, you invest in your eternal home.

Jesus called this principle “storing up treasure in Heaven.” He actually used this phrase six times in the Bible! Any time Jesus says something six times, you better pay attention. If you don’t, you’re going to miss the blessing.

Life is not about storing up things here on Earth. Life is about storing up things in Heaven. The Bible says don’t store up a bunch of stuff here on Earth where thieves can steal it and rust and moths can destroy it. Store your treasure in Heaven.

That makes sense. Why? Because you’re going to spend a lot more time in Heaven, and you’re going to need the spoils and rewards far more in Heaven than on Earth. You only get 80 to 100 years on this planet, and you have to leave everything behind. But, you will get to enjoy your treasure in Heaven for eternity!

So, how do you store up treasure in heaven? How do you send it on ahead?

The Bible says you do it by investing in people. There are only two things that are going to last forever: the Word of God and people. People will spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell, and your investment in someone could make all the difference. God wants you to invest in people, because those investments have eternal consequences and rewards.

Philippians 4:17 says, “Though I appreciate your gifts, what makes me happiest is the well-earned reward you will have because of your kindness” (LB).

Paul wrote to the Philippians to express his appreciation for their support, but he said what meant the most, what brought him the most joy, was knowing that their sacrifice and generosity gave them treasure in Heaven. They invested in him, but they also invested in their eternal home.

You will be rewarded for everything you’ve given away. Are you giving away your time? You’re going to be rewarded in Heaven. Are you giving away your energy? You’re going to be rewarded in Heaven. Are you giving away your money? You’re going to be rewarded in Heaven.

Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.
Philippians 4:17 ESV
Make Investments with Eternal Rewards

Every time you’re generous, you invest in your eternal home.

Jesus called this principle “storing up treasure in Heaven.” He actually used this phrase six times in the Bible! Any time Jesus says something six times, you better pay attention. If you don’t, you’re going to miss the blessing.

Life is not about storing up things here on Earth. Life is about storing up things in Heaven. The Bible says don’t store up a bunch of stuff here on Earth where thieves can steal it and rust and moths can destroy it. Store your treasure in Heaven.

That makes sense. Why? Because you’re going to spend a lot more time in Heaven, and you’re going to need the spoils and rewards far more in Heaven than on Earth. You only get 80 to 100 years on this planet, and you have to leave everything behind. But, you will get to enjoy your treasure in Heaven for eternity!

So, how do you store up treasure in heaven? How do you send it on ahead?

The Bible says you do it by investing in people. There are only two things that are going to last forever: the Word of God and people. People will spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell, and your investment in someone could make all the difference. God wants you to invest in people, because those investments have eternal consequences and rewards.

Philippians 4:17 says, “Though I appreciate your gifts, what makes me happiest is the well-earned reward you will have because of your kindness” (LB).

Paul wrote to the Philippians to express his appreciation for their support, but he said what meant the most, what brought him the most joy, was knowing that their sacrifice and generosity gave them treasure in Heaven. They invested in him, but they also invested in their eternal home.

You will be rewarded for everything you’ve given away. Are you giving away your time? You’re going to be rewarded in Heaven. Are you giving away your energy? You’re going to be rewarded in Heaven. Are you giving away your money? You’re going to be rewarded in Heaven.

Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.
Philippians 4:17 ESV
So very true, and there is no higher calling in this life time than to invest wisely in the Kingdom of God. For the believer, that is the most important job we have, and we are all gifted in one way or an other to be able to serve for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God.

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