prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I been having problems not so much with my husband himself he been sweet and loving. But with my self or whether my thoughts trying to keep my thoughts from negative things like he just here because of some dumb reason that pops into my head or that he living a double life when I am not around (santans favorite or that I am a bad person) he likes using my emotions the butt. Anyways I read something of Facebook about how this family were going on vacation and the father tells his wife your never happy anymore. She couldnt deny it but looked in the back seat at her kids and saw her daughter mirrored her becssue anytime she was upset her daughter being a child assumed it was her. I remember that feeling as a little girl so much so at seven a nearly committed suicide but God stopped me long story but he did so I am here. I remember my parents fighting and I thought I was to blame. But it struck me as II get frustrated not finishing a task just like that mother. I don't always just enjoy they day and try to find what she said the flowers and instead of the weeds. I don't want my daughter to get to that same point. What I get done is what I get done but I going to make myself forget about worrying whether or not my husband telling me the truth because if he wasn't he wouldn't be here for one for two his Action don't matter mine do. The way I react the way i put my trust in God is what mstters God has me here for a reason why not sure but I am her I have my passions for a reason and working on the things I need to do but Its more Important that I stay in God's peace and joy then I need to have the house clean or the animals stalls clean or whatever needs to be done. I have two children that need emotional stability and be shown how to love more the the work that needs to be done. (My conclusion of the day) so no matter what I struggle with just like Paul I am going to be singing/praising God. That's my goal for now on.

I have that issue too, Rebecca. I have baggage from the past that gives me a few "paranoid delusions" once in a while, that my sweet and loving husband is secretly a cheating manipulator... He's not; I am delusional. I'm easy to attack in that respect. Satan knows my mind and where its weak is in my vanity and insecurity, my pride.

DH and I have only been together 3 years, but wow has it been a journey of discovery. Especially since I've become a Christian and started applying it to my character growth. ALOT of times I still want what I want, I have unrealistic expectations of myself and others, then I get down on myself and start getting g paranoid that I'm not good enough.

It's a trap. Lol my mind is my biggest trap :p

YOU have a purpose, YOU have a calling, and its about changing YOU and the way you see yourself glorifying God. You can't grow if you aren't challenged, and one of the best ways to gauge growth is in how you respond to those "vain imaginations". The truth will set you free ;)
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I have that issue too, Rebecca. I have baggage from the past that gives me a few "paranoid delusions" once in a while, that my sweet and loving husband is secretly a cheating manipulator... He's not; I am delusional. I'm easy to attack in that respect. Satan knows my mind and where its weak is in my vanity and insecurity, my pride.

DH and I have only been together 3 years, but wow has it been a journey of discovery. Especially since I've become a Christian and started applying it to my character growth. ALOT of times I still want what I want, I have unrealistic expectations of myself and others, then I get down on myself and start getting g paranoid that I'm not good enough.

It's a trap. Lol my mind is my biggest trap :p

YOU have a purpose, YOU have a calling, and its about changing YOU and the way you see yourself glorifying God. You can't grow if you aren't challenged, and one of the best ways to gauge growth is in how you respond to those "vain imaginations". The truth will set you free ;)

I been having problems not so much with my husband himself he been sweet and loving. But with my self or whether my thoughts trying to keep my thoughts from negative things like he just here because of some dumb reason that pops into my head or that he living a double life when I am not around (santans favorite or that I am a bad person) he likes using my emotions the butt. Anyways I read something of Facebook about how this family were going on vacation and the father tells his wife your never happy anymore. She couldnt deny it but looked in the back seat at her kids and saw her daughter mirrored her becssue anytime she was upset her daughter being a child assumed it was her. I remember that feeling as a little girl so much so at seven a nearly committed suicide but God stopped me long story but he did so I am here. I remember my parents fighting and I thought I was to blame. But it struck me as II get frustrated not finishing a task just like that mother. I don't always just enjoy they day and try to find what she said the flowers and instead of the weeds. I don't want my daughter to get to that same point. What I get done is what I get done but I going to make myself forget about worrying whether or not my husband telling me the truth because if he wasn't he wouldn't be here for one for two his Action don't matter mine do. The way I react the way i put my trust in God is what mstters God has me here for a reason why not sure but I am her I have my passions for a reason and working on the things I need to do but Its more Important that I stay in God's peace and joy then I need to have the house clean or the animals stalls clean or whatever needs to be done. I have two children that need emotional stability and be shown how to love more the the work that needs to be done. (My conclusion of the day) so no matter what I struggle with just like Paul I am going to be singing/praising God. That's my goal for now on.

Hang in there! We are overcomes thru Christ. We can't be defeated with Him on our side. All things are possible His word says. Remember to put on your full armor of God everyday. That helmet of salvation for your protection of mind, breastplate of righteousness to protect the heart, sheild of faith to guard against anything the enemy throws at is, belt of truth around our gut so our instincts are pure for He is the truth, sword of the spirit to fight against all negativity and evil using his word(sword) and feet shod in gospel to keep us standing strong and moving on. Read Ephesians 6 and be reminded of who we are in him and the power of Christ in us. Praying for you
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My Dear Shortgrass,
I just love reading your posts... they always lift my spirits.

This one leaves me struggling.

As a very "shy" person I was led to open a retail shop (an art gallery). I was overwhelmed, grateful and blessed to have strangers love (and purchase) my art. Despite the displeasure of my landlord I created many, many Christian paintings (along with many secular paintings). After six years of being in the public eye (24/7) I used my platform to minister to many people. In November I started to get burned out. For the past several months I have been spending most of my time on our farm. My outstanding staff have kept the gallery running smoothly (better than I did). I have loved (and been relieved) of my time away from people and with my farm animals. I'm so exhausted from having to be "on" and entertain people in my gallery. When people come to our B&B it's a very limited entertainment commitment (which I love). Should I feel guilty that I am not at my gallery ministering to customers and local town folk? Is God simply leading me to a different type of ministry? I want to use my gift as God intends. Am I being selfish, or could something be around the corner that I am just not seeing yet?

If you read this... I would really value your thoughts.
As always,
Love & Blessings,
Amy S
Even better
Hang in there! We are overcomes thru Christ. We can't be defeated with Him on our side. All things are possible His word says. Remember to put on your full armor of God everyday. That helmet of salvation for your protection of mind, breastplate of righteousness to protect the heart, sheild of faith to guard against anything the enemy throws at is, belt of truth around our gut so our instincts are pure for He is the truth, sword of the spirit to fight against all negativity and evil using his word(sword) and feet shod in gospel to keep us standing strong and moving on. Read Ephesians 6 and be reminded of who we are in him and the power of Christ in us. Praying for you

Can I please put it in my pocket?
My Dear Shortgrass,
I just love reading your posts... they always lift my spirits.

This one leaves me struggling.

As a very "shy" person I was led to open a retail shop (an art gallery).  I was overwhelmed, grateful and blessed to have strangers love (and purchase) my art.  Despite the displeasure of my landlord I created many, many Christian paintings (along with many secular paintings).  After six years of being in the public eye (24/7)  I used my platform to minister to many people.  In November I started to get burned out.  For the past several months I have been spending most of my time on our farm. My outstanding staff have kept the gallery running smoothly (better than I did).  I have loved (and been relieved) of my time away from people and with my farm animals.  I'm so exhausted from having to be "on" and entertain people in my gallery.  When people come to our B&B it's a very limited entertainment commitment (which I love).  Should I feel guilty that I am not at my gallery ministering to customers and local town folk?  Is God simply leading me to a different type of ministry?  I want to use my gift as God intends.  Am I being selfish, or could something be around the corner that I am just not seeing yet?  

If you read this... I would really value your thoughts.
As always,
Love & Blessings,
Amy S 

You have a bed and breakfast?

I don't think you're being selfish. Maybe since you're tired of ministering at your gallery God is trying to get you to minister in a new place or a new way to different people?

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