prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Praying. I think most of the world is under judgment. :(

Revelation 14:6-7 KJV
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, [7] Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
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Hello everybody!! I just want to remind today you that YOU are PERFECTLY and FULLY loved by your heavenly Father💗

“For your loyal love extends beyond the sky, and your faithfulness reaches the clouds. Rise up above the sky, O God! May your splendor cover the whole earth!” Psalm 57:10-11

“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.” Psalm 63:3-4

Happy Valentines Day💕
Thank you Farmlife, such beautiful promises! ❤🥰
Please pray for my safety and sanity. We’ve been having a mouse problem lately and woke up about 20min ago to a strong burning smell but no smoke. I strongly suspect that the mice have chewed the wires somewhere. (They have already chewed them in several other spots). But another family member thinks it’s a bad air filter and is trying to prevent me from calling an electrician or the rest of the family that is out of town. Needless to say I’m freaked out and there’s probably going to be a major fight in the morning if I can’t find a definite source by then.
Please pray for my safety and sanity. We’ve been having a mouse problem lately and woke up about 20min ago to a strong burning smell but no smoke. I strongly suspect that the mice have chewed the wires somewhere. (They have already chewed them in several other spots). But another family member thinks it’s a bad air filter and is trying to prevent me from calling an electrician or the rest of the family that is out of town. Needless to say I’m freaked out and there’s probably going to be a major fight in the morning if I can’t find a definite source by then.
im not sure exactly whats going on but i have mice in my quails pen. This trap is really good caught me 6 so far|clp:2334524|tkp:BFBMjPyjzd9f
Please pray for my safety and sanity. We’ve been having a mouse problem lately and woke up about 20min ago to a strong burning smell but no smoke. I strongly suspect that the mice have chewed the wires somewhere. (They have already chewed them in several other spots). But another family member thinks it’s a bad air filter and is trying to prevent me from calling an electrician or the rest of the family that is out of town. Needless to say I’m freaked out and there’s probably going to be a major fight in the morning if I can’t find a definite source by then.
Praying for your safety!!!!! When I was a child, my grandfather's barn burned down. We watched it burn through the windows. They said it was caused by mice chewing wires. Fires can happen so quickly!
Please pray for my safety and sanity. We’ve been having a mouse problem lately and woke up about 20min ago to a strong burning smell but no smoke. I strongly suspect that the mice have chewed the wires somewhere. (They have already chewed them in several other spots). But another family member thinks it’s a bad air filter and is trying to prevent me from calling an electrician or the rest of the family that is out of town. Needless to say I’m freaked out and there’s probably going to be a major fight in the morning if I can’t find a definite source by then.


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