prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Did anyone else hear about that little boy in Utah, that’s so sad he was bullied to the point he killed himself. AT TWELVE what 12 year old thinks like that? He hung himself with is own sweatshirt off his bunkbed. And his sister found him, prayers for her as well. There was a picture of his 2 sisters crying over him while he was in the hospital
Had not heard about that, that poor baby! That is such a vulnerable age... his poor family, that just really hurts my heart! Jesus said anyone that "offends" one of His little ones, it would be better for them if they had never been born. And it would be like they had a millstone tied around their neck and cast into the sea. He takes this stuff seriously! Words not only hurt, they can kill. We need to teach our children the importance of being kind. 😭
Did anyone else hear about that little boy in Utah, that’s so sad he was bullied to the point he killed himself. AT TWELVE what 12 year old thinks like that? He hung himself with is own sweatshirt off his bunkbed. And his sister found him, prayers for her as well. There was a picture of his 2 sisters crying over him while he was in the hospital
Will send many prayers.
As a side note.. I understand the pain the boy went through and have had 2 friends that their sons committed suicide. I was severely bullied until becoming homeschooled many, many years ago. I attempted multiple times to commit suicide and the first thought to act on it was when I was in 3rd grade. Praise the LORD he intervened.
Ive been on all sides of it. I’ve been bullied, been the bully, the one staying silent and the one standing up someone else. Please pray for the bullies and there families too. Knowing you were responsible for someone else taking their own life is a horrible weight to carry and it’s not uncommon for the bullies to attempt to take their own life because of the guilt. :(
Praying for your safety. What does googl say?
Google said that orange flames mean carbon monoxide is being released and to get away from the source. My furnace is also propane, so that really worried me. The flames were almost entirely orange. I never would have thought that a bottle of scented room deodorizer could have done that, but things are back to normal now.
Google said that orange flames mean carbon monoxide is being released and to get away from the source. My furnace is also propane, so that really worried me. The flames were almost entirely orange. I never would have thought that a bottle of scented room deodorizer could have done that, but things are back to normal now.
It can also just be dirt or dust burning off. If possible, one can turn the pilot or burner off and clean around it to see if that is the cause. And always have CO detectors in working order! They save lives!
Prayers for my little dog. Just had a scary incident. She had her teeth cleaned, they put them under for it. I won't go into details here. Just did on another thread. I really think if I hadn't been there .. along with my son, I might have lost her. These dogs mean everything to me! I'm alone now, without husband. They are my babies.

Did anyone else hear about that little boy in Utah, that’s so sad he was bullied to the point he killed himself. AT TWELVE what 12 year old thinks like that? He hung himself with is own sweatshirt off his bunkbed. And his sister found him, prayers for her as well. There was a picture of his 2 sisters crying over him while he was in the hospital

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