prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

My neck has gotten real stiff tonight. I'm a bit worried. Can hardly turn it left and right. Trying to figure out what I did to cause this. Can't think of doing anything different. Say a little prayer it'll be better by morning. 💗 Heading out. God bless you all.
Will do, Cynthia. Love you, Girl. Love all of you! :hugs
Do you use unleavened bread and unfermented wine, (grape juice)?

it should be unleavened bread but as people bring it to church I wonder if they use yeast. it seems they do. wine is the usual (?) wine mixed with water as the Christ's blood separated into blood and water when he died (sorry for my english if I didn't say it properly).
it should be unleavened bread but as people bring it to church I wonder if they use yeast. it seems they do. wine is the usual (?) wine mixed with water as the Christ's blood separated into blood and water when he died (sorry for my english if I didn't say it properly).
You said it just right. 🥰
Mark 12:30-31 KJV
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. [31] And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

Amen! And on these two laws hang all the Law and the Prophets. Matt. 22:40. The first four Commandments tell us how to love God and the last six tell us how to love our neighbor.

How is your arm today, Kikiruru? :hugs

Better every day thank you and please continue to pray thank you

And to pray for my fingers to be able to move exercise them
No, because in John Chapter 6 He went on at great length about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, and whole crowds turned away from Him because, as they said in v. 60, "This is a hard saying and who can hear it?" Then He turned to His disciples and said to them, "The flesh profits nothing; the WORDS that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life." v. 63. Also, at the very beginning of the book of John, we are told, "In the beginning was the Word ... and the Word was God ... and the Word was made flesh." John 1:1, 14. To eat His flesh means to read and understand and study and memorize and comprehend; in other words, to thoroughly DIGEST the Word of God, the Bible. Jesus is the Word of God made human, God in the flesh; the Bible is the Word of God in print.

I had a look and this is not part of the Bible that talks about holly communion. also the Bible is not easy to understand. I prefer not to discuss it. different interpretation lead to separation of christians. I feel good on this thread and hope that we continue to pray together.
Well, this Catholic is REALLY hating all the things going on in Eastern Europe, and the drama in my life right here. Other things have happened that I didn't post about, but fortunately the stress died down and all seemed well. Then--this afternoon I Iearned of a new wildfire starting up that's too close for comfort. Pray that it is put out before the high winds hit on Friday and that it DOES NOT come near my house.

We're in a drought, and wildfires spread very, very fast around here.
The fire is now 60% contained and they stopped the forward spread. Now if they can get it out or secured before the winds hit....

I've aged out of the requirement for fasting, and even though I was looking forward to that, it just doesn't feel right unless I do something. I had a good friend (may she rest in peace) who was Byzantine Catholic. She said she hated the 40 days of boiled vegetables, and she was in her early 80's, so I'm guessing they must not have the same age rules as we do?
My neck has gotten real stiff tonight. I'm a bit worried. Can hardly turn it left and right. Trying to figure out what I did to cause this. Can't think of doing anything different. Say a little prayer it'll be better by morning. 💗 Heading out. God bless you all.
Do you use unleavened bread and unfermented wine, (grape juice)?
⬇️ This for us as well. But we haven't had the wine( Jesus' blood) since covid hit
it should be unleavened bread but as people bring it to church I wonder if they use yeast. it seems they do. wine is the usual (?) wine mixed with water as the Christ's blood separated into blood and water when he died (sorry for my english if I didn't say it properly).
A message from my sister this morning.

“Good morning! One of our firefighters just asked me if I could get everyone to pray for his friends daughter, Madeline. She is 7 and was diagnosed with a severe form of brain cancer. He said “I’m zero religious” but is asking for everyone to pray for a miracle. Let’s all pray for Madeline! For God’s mercy upon her! 🙏🏻 But let’s also pray for the family and the firefighter, so that God touches them as well! Have a blessed day!”

Let’s all pray for Madeline and her family!! 🙏 Thank you and God Bless every one of you!

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