prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

So, @Bonkerelli I have been meaning to give you an opportunity to tell us about your faith. Tell us ehat it is called and please share with us a little sbout it, if you will?
It's called Messianic Judaism. To sum, I pretty much practice conservative Judaism but believe Jesus is the messiah and read both the new and old testament. I also eat biblically kosher and celebrate the holy feast days. Been in this way of life and faith for 16 years.
It's called Messianic Judaism. To sum, I pretty much practice conservative Judaism but believe Jesus is the messiah and read both the new and old testament. I also eat biblically kosher and celebrate the holy feast days. Been in this way of life and faith for 16 years.
Thank you. Will you tell us the names of the feasts? I believe there are three in the spring and three in the fall but I am fuzzy about them. Passover, Pentecost and I think Trumpets are in the spring? And there are Tabernacles, Day of Atonement and one I can never remember in the fall. Or I may be completely mixed up. When I google them, the names are always in Yiddish and don't help me at all.
Thank you. Will you tell us the names of the feasts? I believe there are three in the spring and three in the fall but I am fuzzy about them. Passover, Pentecost and I think Trumpets are in the spring? And there are Tabernacles, Day of Atonement and one I can never remember in the fall. Or I may be completely mixed up. When I google them, the names are always in Yiddish and don't help me at all.
Sure. Anyone can look up the Feasts in Lev. chapters 22-24. Spring holy days Passover (Pesach), Feast of Unleavened Bread (part of Passover), Feast of First Fruits (the day after the weekly sabbath following Passover). 50 days after the weekly Sabbath following Passover is Pentecost (Shavuot). On the Gregorian calendar its from March-May. Hebrew months Aviv to Sivan

Fall feasts is Rosh Hashannah (AKA Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets), 10 days later is Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur, most holy day of the year) and five days after that is Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). September/October. In the Hebrew calendar it is the entire month of Trishri

There is some in between holidays that are more tradition than commanded. Tish B' Av (9th of Av, fast day), Hannukah. and Purim.
If anyone doesn't mind.. I need some prayers. For a week I have been suffering from artery pain through out my body. Been taking some meds but unsure if they are helping. Yesterday and today I have been very tired and now have muscle nd joint pain. Please pray for healing and solving what this issue is.
I know we are supposed to be impartial, but watching this every day breaks my heart ❤️
Feeling bad for them doesn't mean not being impartial. In fact, I don't believe that it should be something that is NOT acknowledged. Its not really about taking a side. Not all Russians are good, not all Ukrainians are good. It breaks my heart too...what they are going through right now is horrifying and I can't even begin to imagine what its like. A lot of people's faith will be shaken. Not to mention all the lost lives. :(

Prayers go up and walls come down!! Sending lots of prayers to both parties.

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