prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I learned something today.:

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces.

I thought it was a day for honoring and remembering all our dead, whoever they were and regardless of how or when they died, with a special emphasis on all deceased military. So that would have included my Dad and uncle, aged veterans who basically died of old age. But I was mistaken. Memorial Day is specifically for honoring those in the military who died in the line of duty, and I don't have any fallen heroes to honor in my family or immediate circle.

However, for me it is always a day of sadness and remembrance for those who died at Pearl Harbor (shortly before my time) and the young men who fell in Vietnam (my sisters' classmates), as well as in every conflict since. As a follower of Christ, I look forward to the day when there will be no more war, or violence, or suffering or death or sorrow or tears of any kind. That day can't come soon enough! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
I learned something today.:

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces.

I thought it was a day for honoring and remembering all our dead, whoever they were and regardless of how or when they died, with a special emphasis on all deceased military. So that would have included my Dad and uncle, aged veterans who basically died of old age. But I was mistaken. Memorial Day is specifically for honoring those in the military who died in the line of duty, and I don't have any fallen heroes to honor in my family or immediate circle.

However, for me it is always a day of sadness and remembrance for those who died at Pearl Harbor (shortly before my time) and the young men who fell in Vietnam (my sisters' classmates), as well as in every conflict since. As a follower of Christ, I look forward to the day when there will be no more war, or violence, or suffering or death or sorrow or tears of any kind. That day can't come soon enough! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Yes, Memorial Day is for those heroes who did not make it home. Veteran's Day is honoring those that served, whether they are still around or not. Armed Forces Day(earlier in May) is for honoring all those that are currently serving
Yes, Memorial Day is for those heroes who did not make it home. Veteran's Day is honoring those that served, whether they are still around or not. Armed Forces Day(earlier in May) is for honoring all those that are currently serving
We have Flag Day coming up in June sometime too, don't we?
Hello everyone. I'm asking for a similar prayer request like I've asked a while back. I started a new career and happy that I achieved my goals and God set me on this path. Yet, knowing I still have lots to learn I'm struggling with the relationship between my boss and myself. Please pray not only for me but my boss for clarity, flexibility, understanding, and to move forward.
Hello everyone. I'm asking for a similar prayer request like I've asked a while back. I started a new career and happy that I achieved my goals and God set me on this path. Yet, knowing I still have lots to learn I'm struggling with the relationship between my boss and myself. Please pray not only for me but my boss for clarity, flexibility, understanding, and to move forward.
Bonk, I can't find the exact text I'm looking for, so I have to praphrase. Remember when Esther found out that evil Haman had contrived to have her people attacked by having her huband, the king, pass a decree to that effect? And her uncle Mordrcai said to her, "Perhaps it is for this reason" that you have been placed in this position of power and influence, to be able to save your people.

If you are having difficulty with your boss, who is to blame? Is it not Satan? And to what end, what is his purpose? Is it not to interfere with God's purpose and to disrupt your godly influence on this person? Is it not to attempt to destroy God's plan to spread the gospel? Satan must know that this person greatly needs God's message of hope, love and salvation, otherwise he would not be going to such trouble. My prayer is that God will make you "wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove" in your dealings with this person. Please read 1 Cor. 13 and ask God to fill you with His love each day, so that His love in you may break down any and all barriers in this person's heart to the hearing of the gospel, through your actions day by day, that he may be won by your good conduct without a word. Amen.
Bonk, I can't find the exact text I'm looking for, so I have to praphrase. Remember when Esther found out that evil Haman had contrived to have her people attacked by having her huband, the king, pass a decree to that effect? And her uncle Mordrcai said to her, "Perhaps it is for this reason" that you have been placed in this position of power and influence, to be able to save your people.

If you are having difficulty with your boss, who is to blame? Is it not Satan? And to what end, what is his purpose? Is it not to interfere with God's purpose and to disrupt your godly influence on this person? Is it not to attempt to destroy God's plan to spread the gospel? Satan must know that this person greatly needs God's message of hope, love and salvation, otherwise he would not be going to such trouble. My prayer is that God will make you "wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove" in your dealings with this person. Please read 1 Cor. 13 and ask God to fill you with His love each day, so that His love in you may break down any and all barriers in this person's heart to the hearing of the gospel, through your actions day by day, that he may be won by your good conduct without a word. Amen.
Thank you for the daily devotion. Yet, my boss claims to be a Christian, which I believe she is. Our personalities and work styles our not meshing.

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