prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hi everyone! Just found this thread and thought it was cool to have a likeminded community of believers to chat with! 🙂
:frow hi @Nerdmom81, welcome! You will find a spreadsheet of current prayer requests at the beginning of this thread, Post #2. Our @cherrynberry does a pretty good job of keeping it up to date. The thread starter is no longer active. Make yourself at home, we're glad you joined us! ❤️
Please be praying for me...

It’s not bad, just...
I’ll just say that I’m under the age of 18, so I’m still in school. Recently in class, I was feeling very, very depressed. I ended up emailing my teacher because she’s really nice, understanding, and I felt terrible for being so dull and sad. I guess I also didn’t want to worry her.
So I sent her an email apologizing, basically saying that I’ve been depressed and I felt bad for being non participating.
She emailed back with the sweetest, heartfelt email on the planet... it was probably the nicest thing I’ve ever read.

I didn’t want to worry my mom with me feeling depressed... she’s already worried about her mom (my grandma) and some other things. And I felt I could deal with it myself. I’m working on improving my mood by myself.
Unfortunately, the school has a filter-thing for email... and it caught that I said I was depressed and stuff.
So somehow the principal found out... I guess she got a notification about the filter-thing... so then the principal, who I guess was worried, ended up emailing my mom about it. My mom found out, then emailed my therapist.
So I ended up having a longggg conversation with my mom today.

I guess I feel embarrassed... I didn’t want everyone, especially the principal, to know and worry about me feeling depressed.

And I guess it almost feels like they were hiding it from me. Apparently my mom found out on Saturday. She was even talking to my teacher without me knowing, and my therapist...

I guess if you guys could pray that I don’t feel upset with the involved people and that they don’t worry about me...

Also, I’m making a playlist of songs to make me feel happier.
Any recommendations? I like pretty energetic/contemporary Christian music.
Praying for you Lemon!

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