prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Maybe God wants to bless you with another vehicle

Dec 2019 I was given a 2002 Chevy blazer
Oct 2014 one of my church family bought me a Nissan Sentra older model
2006 I was given a Ford escort older model

thank you. I don't think that is going to happen but we shall see. my car got broken due to my evil neighbor and her activities. the same happened with my dishwasher. for about 1,5 year it didn't take water. I ignored it and I was putting warm sun heated water - saved electricity as well. one day it started to function again.
me too need a prayer. still no news about my car. it will take time. I have found a potential provider for my business (abroad) and sent them e-mail for offer. please pray that they respond me and that their offer will be good so that I can work again. with lockdown due to covid business went down. the old provider is far away and transport prices make it impossible to continue with them.
Sorry that you are still having such terrible car issues. Those are never fun.
Maybe God wants to bless you with another vehicle

Dec 2019 I was given a 2002 Chevy blazer
Oct 2014 one of my church family bought me a Nissan Sentra older model
2006 I was given a Ford escort older model
Amen to that! I think most of you remember about the prayers I requested about my job and my situation at work. It is amazing how God works! I got a new job that is WAY better for me. I enjoy going to work!

I'm very thankful for everything God has blessed me with. Especially my hubby.
I’ve got another Job interview. For Monday this time. Its much closer to home this time and I’m excited about that but nervous about the interview. Not as bad as with the last one though.
Jobs being what they are, don't be surprised if they hire you on the spot! Pack a lunch, lol. 😉 God's will be done!
My interview is in 2 hours and I’m not feeling well at all. Nothing contagious. If I reschedule I know I’ll lose the job as this place is competitive for a no experience job in my area but I already have difficulty speaking clearly and organizing my thoughts especially when nervous and having pain as a distraction will make this much worse.

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