prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Well, y'all, tell you what. You can all come back and I will stay away. I wish everyone would be more open about sharing their beliefs so we could all get to know and understand each other better. I enjoy sharing and dialog. I live in a very isolated situation and I'm lonely. I don't see people at all except at church and there are six old people there. I'll miss you.

don't you dare! we need a praying team. as I suggested we all are free to ignore the posts we don't like. but we need prayers. I don't want evil to win!
I would be more open to sharing what I believe but every time I do, or anyone else does, you shut us down with your beliefs and quotes from the Bible. And then tell us why we are wrong for believing what we do. Which, while I have read some of it and I listen to readings and the Gospel at church of course, I do not take most of the Old Testament literally. The New Testament is different for me. Because it was during the time of Jesus' life, and the Gospels were written by people that knew Jesus personally(except Luke) I know what is written is literal and truly happened. The Old Testament happened too of course. But it was written by man, who did not witness the events. But told them to others and those stories have been handed down. So no, I do not believe the world was created in six literal days, but billions of years, that to God, were 6 days. And other things that I simply don't feel like going in to right now. But what I do know is that God is love and no matter what, He loves us. And we have to do our best to follow in Jesus' footsteps to get to Heaven. Will we fall off the path? Yes. Will we sin no matter how hard we try? Yes. But as long as I do my best to treat others as I would want them to treat me, I know I'm good. I do not want to seem like I am talking for other people so please know that I am talking about myself only

if we believed the same things we would be going to the same church. I don't ever think about how much time God needed to create the world. he did it and we are here. please stay.
Hello all and peace be with you. I've read the last several pages and was disappointed. I view this thread but occasionally respond. So I have a fresh set of eyes. There is a possibility that my input will be shunned but I will not be hurt if it is.

As fellow believers in our LORD and savior we need to stand united. NONE of us have all the answers. Only HE has them. We come from different backgrounds and versions of faith. We all have a piece of the puzzle and we have a chance to grow, individually, from others even if we agree or not with their point of view.

It can be difficult in written words to fully understand the M.O. We cannot read body language or hear the tones of someone's voice. So what can be intentionally said in love could have been perceived as invasive, as an example.

I joined this thread for giving and receiving prayer. With praise for the Heavenly Father and sharing a story with fellow believers. I will continue to do so.
Hello all and peace be with you. I've read the last several pages and was disappointed. I view this thread but occasionally respond. So I have a fresh set of eyes. There is a possibility that my input will be shunned but I will not be hurt if it is.

As fellow believers in our LORD and savior we need to stand united. NONE of us have all the answers. Only HE has them. We come from different backgrounds and versions of faith. We all have a piece of the puzzle and we have a chance to grow, individually, from others even if we agree or not with their point of view.

It can be difficult in written words to fully understand the M.O. We cannot read body language or hear the tones of someone's voice. So what can be intentionally said in love could have been perceived as invasive, as an example.

I joined this thread for giving and receiving prayer. With praise for the Heavenly Father and sharing a story with fellow believers. I will continue to do so.


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