prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hi everyone. For the last few days I've been a little depressed. Though I believe it is from the void of not being able to children. It is hard for me to be around parents with young kids or even watching a TV show when the characters have children. I know it is all up to God. Just need a little bit of prayer to help pull me out of the gloominess.
Hi all. I'm asking for prayer for my kitty, Champ. For the past few days, he has not been eating well, and that's not normal for him. He's a chunky cat, and loves his food. My mom took him to the vet yesterday, found he had a slight fever, but not much else. They gave him some antibiotics and pain meds, and sent him home. After he came back, he was much more alert, ate some food, and really wanted to go outside. This morning, however, he's pretty lethargic, laying around and not wanting any food, even his canned food, which is normally a big treat. Please pray that there isn't anything worse wrong with him, and that he would get better soon! Our family loves him, and we couldn't imagine life without him.
Hi all. I'm asking for prayer for my kitty, Champ. For the past few days, he has not been eating well, and that's not normal for him. He's a chunky cat, and loves his food. My mom took him to the vet yesterday, found he had a slight fever, but not much else. They gave him some antibiotics and pain meds, and sent him home. After he came back, he was much more alert, ate some food, and really wanted to go outside. This morning, however, he's pretty lethargic, laying around and not wanting any food, even his canned food, which is normally a big treat. Please pray that there isn't anything worse wrong with him, and that he would get better soon! Our family loves him, and we couldn't imagine life without him.
Praying! When was the last time he ate? If it’s been over 24hrs I would take him back or to a different vet immediately as 24hrs is the point where lack of food can possibly start causing organ damage in cats.
Hi everyone. For the last few days I've been a little depressed. Though I believe it is from the void of not being able to children. It is hard for me to be around parents with young kids or even watching a TV show when the characters have children. I know it is all up to God. Just need a little bit of prayer to help pull me out of the gloominess.
Praying for you :hugs
Just a recommendation. I’m sure quite a few of you have heard of it/use it, but I really am enjoying the Bible app.

You can connect with other people (you, I think, need to know their name or email though), set reminders to pray, it has the whole Bible (in many versions)
and it’s fairly easy to find a specific chapter and verse, you can create verse images:



Another feature I really like is the ‘plans’ part. Basically choosing devotions to follow for a week on various topics:

You can also highlight verses that you like or want to think about more.

And many other features.

Sorry, I’ve just found it really helpful. While I prefer my actual, physical Bible, I do like that it’s an app that I can just get on no matter where I am (I usually have my phone with me)

Sorry, probably sounds like an ad :p
Praying! When was the last time he ate? If it’s been over 24hrs I would take him back or to a different vet immediately as 24hrs is the point where lack of food can possibly start causing organ damage in cats.
He's been eating off and on today. He'll eat a bit here and there. I gave him his pain meds and antibiotic pill at noon, and he perked up a bit afterwards. He ate some treats, and even some normal food.
Hi everyone. For the last few days I've been a little depressed. Though I believe it is from the void of not being able to children. It is hard for me to be around parents with young kids or even watching a TV show when the characters have children. I know it is all up to God. Just need a little bit of prayer to help pull me out of the gloominess.

It was hard for me to have children, Bonk, and I remember feeling that way when we were trying and it seemed having no luck. Then my best friend went and had twins and that was really hard! Here is a scripture that may help you. I believe we are in the last days. Times are hard and are only getting harder as the time of Jesus' return draws nearer.

Luke 23:29 KJV
For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

These are not safe days in which to raise children.
Hi all. I'm asking for prayer for my kitty, Champ. For the past few days, he has not been eating well, and that's not normal for him. He's a chunky cat, and loves his food. My mom took him to the vet yesterday, found he had a slight fever, but not much else. They gave him some antibiotics and pain meds, and sent him home. After he came back, he was much more alert, ate some food, and really wanted to go outside. This morning, however, he's pretty lethargic, laying around and not wanting any food, even his canned food, which is normally a big treat. Please pray that there isn't anything worse wrong with him, and that he would get better soon! Our family loves him, and we couldn't imagine life without him.
Hi Abby, did the vet xray him to see if he had a blockage of any kind?

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