prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Prayer Warriors, gather round. Our dear sister, @Cynthia12, reports that her little grandson, who has been in the hospital with pneumonia, has taken a turn for the worse. They've had to increase his oxygen and are watching his little heart carefully. Please stop whatever you are doing right now when you read this and pray earnestly for this precious little boy, aged 5 or 6, asking for God to rebuke Satan and restore him to health to the glory of God, in Jesus' name, if it be His will. Thank you!
The power of prayer! He's better today! Thank you all so much!
I am not a very religious man, but I need help with an (recent) addiction to alcohol. Please say a prayer for me .....

Any replies will be apperciated.
When you have fallen prey to any kind of addiction, there is hope because God loves all of His children and because the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ makes all things possible. I have seen the blessing of recovery that can set one free from the chains of addiction. I am one of those souls. 32 years sober. The Lord is our Shepherd, and we shall not want as we trust in the power of the Atonement. I know the Lord can and will free the addicted from their bondage, for as the Apostle Paul proclaimed, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me’ (Philippians 4:13) Put your faith you've never done before..get on your knees. You may not realize this, but God is..always..there for you, always. He's been waiting my friend, just waiting. ❤️
Prayer Warriors, gather round. Our dear sister, @Cynthia12, reports that her little grandson, who has been in the hospital with pneumonia, has taken a turn for the worse. They've had to increase his oxygen and are watching his little heart carefully. Please stop whatever you are doing right now when you read this and pray earnestly for this precious little boy, aged 5 or 6, asking for God to rebuke Satan and restore him to health to the glory of God, in Jesus' name, if it be His will. Thank you!
Thank you so so much Blue!
When you have fallen prey to any kind of addiction, there is hope because God loves all of His children and because the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ makes all things possible. I have seen the blessing of recovery that can set one free from the chains of addiction. I am one of those souls. 32 years sober. The Lord is our Shepherd, and we shall not want as we trust in the power of the Atonement. I know the Lord can and will free the addicted from their bondage, for as the Apostle Paul proclaimed, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me’ (Philippians 4:13) Put your faith you've never done before..get on your knees. You may not realize this, but God is..always..there for you, always. He's been waiting my friend, just waiting. ❤️
Amen! He freed me from my addiction to nicotine, almost 13 years ago (on April 26, 2010). I'll never forget the date, as it was my birthday.
When we hear it said that God "saves us from our sins," I think we usually think, yeah, He forgives us and saves us from the penalty of sin. And yes, that's true. But even more exciting, to me, is the realization that He is able and willing to save us from the POWER of sin in our lives. He wants to give us VICTORY over sin. We do not have to be slaves to Satan or even to our own lusts any more! He wants to take the stony heart out of us and give us a new heart, with His law written in it. This is what is meant by the "new" covenant. We cannot keep the law by our own efforts. But Christ living in us, gives us His new life. Read John 15.
The new and everlasting covenant is the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is everlasting because it never changes..the things that would save a man in Adam’s day are the very things that will save a man today. Victory..over sin and satan. :) The new and everlasting covenant is a contractual arrangement in which God...and man...agree to abide by certain terms and conditions in return for certain benefits. Man agrees to keep all of God’s commandments and observe every ordinance of salvation. God, in return... agrees to share with man all the blessings and benefits of eternal life.
Hello y'all.
It's been a minute, hope y'all are well and blessed.
I have a two prayer request.

1. I need prayer for one of my OEGB pullets. She's not doing too well, and I'm a bit worried I'll loose her.
2. It's very personal, but I need fellow brothers, and sisters in Christ to pray for me. It's pretty serious.
I really appreciate it. Praying for all of y'all also. ☺️

Also, here is a song that blessed my heart that I wanted to share.

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