prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I’ve got a praise report to share!
I’m finally registered for summer classes at college. TLDR(God’s timing is best)

I’ve been fighting with paperwork stuff basically since August trying to get some of this straightened out.
The whole time I’ve been asking God why? My family was extremely frustrated and ready to storm up to the college but I just kept hearing to be patient. To wait. Which I didn’t understand. Waiting makes no sense in this scenario.

Finally last Tuesday I was down I the last piece of paperwork I had to submit. I wasn’t able to get ahold of the administrator of was supposed to talk to until Friday. I talked to them and unfortunately because of work I wouldn’t be able to submit the paper until after the office was closed for the weekend. I left work frustrated about yet another delay when the deadline to register was coming up.

Friday night I went to go to a play being put on by my old homeschool group. I ended up talking to one of my friends who is graduating next week who I hadn’t seen in forever. Turns out he is taking the exact same classes! He was already registered for them and I was able to select to be in the same time slots as him. If I had signed up for classes any earlier I wouldn’t have been able to that.

One of my biggest prayers this whole time has been that God would send me Godly friends at college. Not only has he sent me one but it’s one that I’ve known for 6+ years and was worried about losing touch with after Highschool. I feel so grateful!

(Edit: sorry this is so long)
Yes! All in HIS timing! What a wonderful testimony of His faithfulness! I'm so glad for you, too. It's an incredible blessing to have a friend and study partner.
@Isadora, how is your Mother-in-law? Prayers continue for her and your family. Have not forgotten you. ❤️ :hugs
Thanks for asking, Stephanie. She's still working... she's a teacher but she wrapped that up last week. She runs a small apt complex as the maintenance/manager person so is still keeping very busy.
She still believes she will be healed, so I think she isn't telling us a lot about her condition on purpose, but she did get palliative care put in place and signed a DNR. 😕

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