prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be dangerously hot in many areas. There are also areas that are under air pollution advisories due to smoke from wildfires. Everyone please be safe, whatever your situation. Stay hydrated. If you have small children or pets, please don't leave them in the car! Keep your eyes on your children around water. Check on your neighbors, especially the sick and elderly. We'll get through this - together! ❤️
Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be dangerously hot in many areas. There are also areas that are under air pollution advisories due to smoke from wildfires. Everyone please be safe, whatever your situation. Stay hydrated. If you have small children or pets, please don't leave them in the car! Keep your eyes on your children around water. Check on your neighbors, especially the sick and elderly. We'll get through this - together! ❤️

God bless you!
Thank You Lord for allowing us to see what You are doing sometimes! It sure does increase our faith if we are like ole doubting Thomas.
I am praying for all that have no air conditioning or ineffective ac during this heat wave. Also praying for all the poor animals outside.
And so much other stuff to pray for but could never write it all!
Thank You Lord for allowing us to see what You are doing sometimes! It sure does increase our faith if we are like ole doubting Thomas.
I am praying for all that have no air conditioning or ineffective ac during this heat wave. Also praying for all the poor animals outside.
And so much other stuff to pray for but could never write it all!
Your prayers are much appreciated! My daughter and her husband live in a rental house in TX near Galveston, and until recently had a non-working AC in a house with a roof that was not insulated. Praise be to God, recently both those issues were addressed, so they were comfortable during these last days of this brutal heat wave and will be comfortable going forward.
My grandson, 16, is doing literature evangelism in Kansas City for the summer to earn tuition money for his junior year. The school matches whatever donations he brings in. He did this last summer as well and does well at it, as he is not shy and has an excellent memory. He texted me the other night to tell me that he's doing really well. I'd really like for him to be able to go to Africa or India on a mission trip this year, so I'm hoping some of the money can go toward that. Please pray that the literature gets into the hands of the people God wants to bless, and that my boy's courage, faith and enthusiasm continue to be strong! Thank you! ❤️

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