Prayers for Larry, please....UPDATE LARRYS HOME!


11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
palestine texas
A little of the back story....... My DH trained tracking dogs for the Texas Dept Of Corrections for 25 years. He just retired this past year. Larry, a 100# black and tan hound, was a year old had heat exhaustion on a long track. This effected Larry's ability to keep up with the rest of the pack. But when the other dogs might overshoot the scent, good ole Larry was in the back to hit on it and call the pack back. A great scent dog. My DH raised him from his birth in 2001. Nursed him through his heat exhaustion. Took care of him until his (DH) retirement.

The new Kennel SGT. decided Larry was too slow and put him on the cull list. That is euthanesia. My DH jumped through hoops to rescue Larry, and after 4 mos. he bought him and brought him home. DH says " Larry has kept the world safe for women and children for 9 years and he deserves a chance!" There were lots of tears when he got home with him. I wish I could post pics.

Yesterday Larry wouldn't eat or drink and just wasn't himself. Today he was in obvious pain. To the Vet we go. He was diagnosed with a prostate problem to put it in laymans terms. It is serious. Could be bacterial infection or cancer. He is now at the vets. and in Gods hands.

Please pray for Larry!
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We will hope it is just an infection. A few antibiotics and he will start a new chapter in his life with you and your family.
Thanks everyone, he is very special.

I had to ask the vet how much extra it was going to cost for DH to stay also because he just doesn't want to leave Larry alone........
Never thought I'd be praying for something to have a bacterial infection, but here goes.... I hope Larry does well
to all of you!
Agreed. Never thought I'd say: "Gee, I hope your dog has an infection!" but I do. Crossing fingers for Larry to be well.
Good luck, Larry, and thank you for your years of service.
Thanks also to you and your husband. Dogs who have lived a life of service deserve a comfortable retirement in a family atmosphere. I'm so glad your family was there for Larry.
Thanks for your kind comments. Larry's update this morning is that he looks perkier. Drank water, off the IV. Vet said he ate a very small amount of dry food and would not touch the can food. Larry is a picky eater anyway, so we took some of his food from home. Don't know if he will eat that either. He is not out of the woods yet, but we are praying.

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