Pre built coops



Mar 13, 2018
Houston, Texas
I was wondering if any of you know a good prebuilt coop for 3 chickens. So, are there any chicken coops on the market that are under $250, yet not made of flimsy fir wood that is faker than a gucci belt in chinatown? Preferably with an attached run for short periods of time(chickens will mostly be free range)

These are everywhere
But will they last? For similar items, i read some troubling reviews.

I am considering this chicken coop. It is at the higher end of the price spectrum but i am willing to buy it if necessary.
I have yet to see any.

Can you build a 4x4 or 4x8 coop? As in so you have any tools and basic building skills?

A 4x4 would use 2 sheets of siding, one precut half sheet for the floor of plywood, one 4x4 cut into 2' pieces for legs, one sheet of OSB for roof decking.
If course there would be hardware, tar paper and shingles, wire, 2x2 (I prefer 2x4 but smaller will work for this size coop).

Your coop build would be about 300 bucks with a small run.

Totally stronger than a kit though.

There are lots of ways to save $. For example I got 4x8 sheets of siding normally $35 each for 11 each at a store here that sells reclaimed and overbuy lumber.
If you pinned it to the ground it would last at least 4 years.
The one you’re considering looks great, how many chickens does it house ? and how many are you thinking of getting

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