

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
Re: The Worst Predator

Well, we have had our first experiences with predators, and sad to say we've lost 6 of our flock, including my favorite Naked Neck rooster Bello,
and his sister, beautiful golden blonde Gloria.

Due to the heat we've been allowing the flock to roost in the maple tree above their pen, though a few roosted on the edge of the pen or in lower branches...
enter BOBCAT!!! Took five of the six. We pretty well peppered him with a .22, since he did us the courtesy of letting us to get about fifteen feet away from him.
So far so good on the cat more night time disturbances.

My boy Bello was taken by a hawk. This was assumption at first on our part until our niece took a walk around the front pasture and pointed out feathers.
Then as I was out on the tractor picking up round bales I could see the scene of the attack...Bello was big and this hawk had to land at least three times with him before dispatching and eating my poor boy. Suffice it to say the bigger coop project is under way and we are far more watchful of the area at night.

I can think of nothing sadder than finding my little Gloria lying on the ground, eyes closed as if she were asleep, left behind when I came flying out of the house, into the pen just to see that
darned cat leap the fence as though it were nothing. I'm getting the very smallest concrete mesh to put over the top of their enclosure this week and making sure the coop is fortified against
coons...I've read previous posts about "Coon-Kong" and will be sure to batten down everything.

No matter if they're just eggs and meat, they still touch our hearts and we are better for their company and saddened by each and every one we lose.

As an answer to my sadness, however, I am glad to report that I have found a kind chicken man who has beautiful Copper Marans
and I'll be taking my 8 extra roosters to the Yoder chicken auction to trade to him for some of his Marans pullets.

The Universal has a way, as always, of evening things out.
Sorry for your losses.
It really hurts when you lose one or more of your flock. All you can do is to make it hard as possible for predators to get your birds, and maybe keep a shotgun close by loaded with #4 load because it works on every predator I know.

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